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arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:20:31

Level 61

on idle maps, i can have several matches taken from my templates. i have disabled certain maps such as "multi attack" as i dont like them. even though, i have to play them from idle, is that normal ?

please forgive me if i dont make myself clear here...
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:21:27

Level 59
Yes each arena from idle is going to be a certain map and it doesn't care what your quick match selections or open maps are if that makes sense?
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:22:17

Level 61
ok i see so i can also get a template i have disable... well, that's how it goed then
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:23:11

Level 59
Yep, i have even gotten 2v2 arena matches I have to win to get the rewards
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:24:30

Level 61
me too !
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:24:50

Level 12
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:34:20

Level 63
the arena even uses templates you haven't even unlocked

but that 2v2 template should really be removed...
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:44:51

Level 35
Personally I play only on 4 templates and skip other arenas :D

Small Earth 1v1 Auto Dist, Small Earth 1 wasteland, Strategic 1v1, MME Commanders LD No Cards
arena game from idle: 2020-11-29 10:52:21

Level 63
yeah, I dont really like most of the templates, but I do need the rewards...
arena game from idle: 2020-11-30 10:31:33

Level 61
"the arena even uses templates you haven't even unlocked"

Ok but here, i was talking about templates i have unlocked but dusabled not to play them as I really dont like them.

for example, as i hate the "multi attack" thing, i have disable them and now on AD 1045: Roads of Silk and Iron, there is an arena with this multi attack....
So actually there is no way to avoid them whatever you do, is that right ?
arena game from idle: 2020-11-30 10:34:07

Level 35
Yep, you can't disable any templates for arena battles. Just skip that arena and don't get its reward.
arena game from idle: 2020-11-30 10:36:17

Level 63
indeed, the arenas have 1 specific template, and if you dont like that template, you got unlucky

if you really hate a template, you can play a coulple hours longer for your level, since you dont need the arenas to win, it just makes you win faster
arena game from idle: 2020-11-30 12:18:55

Level 61
thanks to all of you.

well playing and eventually winning an arena is good, even though i dislike certain maps, but it gives me armies i need actually....

so lets hope i wont mett a lot of maps i dont like.

take care all of you
arena game from idle: 2020-11-30 12:48:41

Level 35
I don't think that you NEED that arena reward, it is pretty small... like gaining 100m coins and 19m armies, when you produce this amount in 2 or 3 hours, not really big boost there :D I can just wait :p
arena game from idle: 2020-12-01 23:36:08

Level 61
i knowit is not much but it's an add whatever and nothing to lose except lose the game and while the game is on, you still go on on the idle game dont you?
so i always play it and often get a reward of 150M armies which is not low actually
arena game from idle: 2020-12-01 23:41:52

Level 62
Some Arena rewards are better than others. Some are meager rewards that aren't worth the effort -- and you know this going on, so if it's not worth it, don't play it unless you need the achievement for that arena.

But others are good, giving a Lanthanum bar, etc. Depending on where you are in the level, this could be anywhere from a number of hours worth of mining & smelting to a few days' worth. It could get you a Tech, or could sell for a few hundred billion money.
arena game from idle: 2020-12-01 23:59:24

Level 61
that is just right i agree
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