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The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 05:52:23

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
Please post what you think the world will look like in 2050, 2100, 2150, 2200, and beyond. I want to make games for those, but I want other's thoughts also.
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 10:42:23

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
It depends. I have several sci-fi headcanon for earths future. What do you want? Dystopia? Utopia? "realistic outcomes"? My personal favourite is one i called "rise of the caliphate" which is essentially the takeover of genetically enginered humans after a devastating third world war between the third world including India and the industrialized countries including China. My second favourite is one i call the "age of the arthopod" or "the great eating" were an environmentalist dicatorship based in former Russia tries to unify earth after a plastic eating bacteria that is a symbiont of genetically egineered wasp-alikes has destroyed humanitys industrial base.

Edited 11/17/2020 11:55:29
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 18:47:22

Level 59
There are 7 major regions in the world which matter.

Regions with enough farmland and resources to create global powers and rule the world.

1. East Asia
2. Europe
3. North America
4. South Asia
5. South America
6. Middle East
7. Africa

Notable mentions:
North Asia has too small population to be a major region, but it has natural resources and nukes.

These regions will define the future of the world. All of them have huge potential. Good management and motivated population can make-or-break a region.

Africa - backward failed continent with wasted potential
China: underdeveloped until 1970's. Since then massive success.
USA: not the only superpower anymore. Losing it's relative advantage.
Europe: A big loser of ww2, which handicaped it's position to the advantage of US.

Edited 11/17/2020 21:22:07
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 19:04:51

Level 57
The Earth in the year 2200 is a desolate wasteland. The few remaining human colonies have been all but destroyed by an alien race known as the 'Shoggoths'. These creatures are huge, covered with thick skin and their bodies stretch to incredible lengths. They move very quickly and can regenerate from almost any damage they receive.

In fact, this entire planet has become one giant graveyard for these creatures.
Humanity has been almost completely destroyed. There are very few pockets of civilization for the most part, although it's obvious that they are heavily influenced by the 'Shoggoth' Empire.
On Earth, humans only inhabit a few remote cities, the last bastions of non-Shoggoth civilization. The rest of the planet has long since been taken over by the spawn.
These cities are located mostly in what used to be the Middle East, although they stretch all the way to the former China and Eastern Europe.
The people are mutilated humanoids, although they're not exactly happy with their new forms. The government is a theocracy, although it's obviously becoming increasingly oppressive and inefficient.
This entity is the only major form of human government, however, there are some city-states scattered elsewhere on Earth, notably in North America, dating back to before the rise of the Shoggoths. These hold on by a thread, isolated from each other and constantly at war.
The biggest and most powerful one of the city-states is 'Atlantis'. It used to be an advanced human civilization thousands of years before, but was sunk under the waves by a now forgotten evil force from the ocean.
It used to be a surface city in North America and was called 'Nuuk', although it was destroyed from within after the Shoggoths established a presence on the surface.
What remains of the city now is an island floating in the ocean, with a large, advanced port.
There are some other human cities in mainland North America such as 'Tubular', 'New York' and 'Vancouver', but they are mostly ruins now. The country as a whole is a lawless land of bandits and "independence" from the oppressive city-states.
The Shoggoth are ruled by the "Shoggoth King". He is a powerful being, although rarely seen by the masses, the rumors are true. He has telepathic abilities and can control his subjects with it. If he wants to, he can affect the minds of hundreds of millions of people, but he's too intelligent to do such a thing for mere propaganda purposes.
His "queen", or "wife" as some would say, is the "Shoggoth Queen". She is a powerful being as well and serves the King as his second in command and right hand.
It is unknown from where exactly the Shoggoth emerged. They invaded from space, but no one has any real proof of this. Some say it is the work of the Gods. Others say it is the result of experiments by the Gods' enemies.
Maybe the scientists of old would be able to examine the Shoggoth, but humanity has gone back to a more simplistic way of life nowadays. Medicine has advanced very little, if any at all.
Some people say that the Shoggoth are creation of man, others that they are creation of some other force.
One thing is for certain, you don't want to anger the Shoggoth.
The Shoggoth control humanity through fear. They own much of the land, through force if necessary, but they use their mental powers so much that most of the population does what the "King" and "Queen" say is necessary.
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 19:44:47

Level 40
In the year 2100 the earth has become level 3 civilization harnessing the power of the galaxy and expanding to the corners of the galaxy
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 19:52:56

Level 40
After humans figured out how to save earth they started to destroy plastics and co2 turning it into rocket fuel for outer space exploration earth became on giant country with a governing mass called the global counsel which makes choices on space travel and earth well-being. Soon astronauts discover intelligent life on a planet call ct-8397 or better known as indo. Soon after landing on indo what looked to be 2 legged creatures carrying spears approached the astronauts and spoke in what seemed to be a language based of English roots
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 19:55:46

Level 40
The astronauts where closely observed by the aliens as they built an outpost and started having colonists arrive. The city grew until the aliens attacked the city killing 3 civilians. The GEC (global earth counsel) sent soldiers to protect the with from further attcks
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 20:06:41

Level 57
can't you just stick to one post and edit it if you have something to add? bit annoying to see many posts
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-17 22:25:28

Level 60
I think the world will not look the same. I am now blind and can’t type anything else because I can’t let you know too much
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-18 05:29:22

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
Kretoma, I would like realistic scenarios. Ones you see yourself living in in 30+ years.
Some of these thoughts are good, and some are bad. I would not like any far-fetched scenarios. Keep them coming.
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-18 05:36:59

Level 46
I predict: by the year 2200, almost no life is left alive. Consider that we have been polluting our environment at an alarming rate.
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-18 17:17:00

Level 59
North Korea will be liberated by it's people.

Rich will get richer, the long world peace will be gone. More wars
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-18 17:17:55

Level 54
Sigh, very well, here's a more "realistic" one:

The year is 2050. In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has been brought under control with vaccines and cures developed by the world's leading scientists. The disease has been eradicated from the planet.
Meanwhile, the geopolitical situation of the world has been changing. The United Nations has taken over the management of most of Earth's government. Most nations have formed a confederation known as the Global Union. That happened in 2035, when it has become clear that humanity needs to work together to stop global warming. However, some of the nations remained independent and not part of the Global Union, such as the Republic of Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the Empire of Brazil.
In the past couple of decades, great leaps in technology have been made. The use of robotics and AI has become common place, making jobs that were once the purview of humans obsolete. The middle class has become a worldwide phenomenon, as cheap technology and mass production has made owning a computer, television, or even a car commonplace. With the end of war, demographic concerns have become the primary motivators for state intervention in domestic issues.
The standard of living continues to rise.
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-26 00:58:14

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Really? The middle class is shrinking
The future of Earth.: 2020-11-27 05:13:04

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
Well, it is in the US at least.
The future of Earth.: 2020-12-04 02:29:23

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Unless Russia stops trying to discreetly (maybe) expand I think it’s trying to reform the USSR
The future of Earth.: 2020-12-04 05:06:47

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
First Crimea, then Belarus, then little bits here and there......
The future of Earth.: 2020-12-06 17:44:02

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
No, Crimea, then Ukraine, then Belarus, etc
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