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problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 00:08:30

Level 61

If i am not wrong there might be something wrong with the combination of joint strike and hospital...

i have 21% of joint stike
i have 4 hospitals giving ( on distant attack) 7.31M / 3.49M / 0.595M / 0.116M so total is 11.511M

when conquering a 40M territory there should me a reward of 11.511M +(40X0.21) = 19.911M
Please correct me if i am xrong

and what i actually got was around 17.700 !!!!

where does it come from ?

problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 01:33:10

Level 64
This was said in the 'Initial thoughts' forum for hospitals, the joint strike discount gets counted after the hospital discount. So your equation will actually be 11.511M + ((40M-11.511M)X0.21) = 11.511 + (28.489X0.21) = 17.494

Edited 10/21/2020 01:33:39
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 01:39:00

Level 62
The post that Splat is referencing:
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 05:04:23

Level 64
Also to answer your question from that post of "What counts as a move?", basically everything you do counts as move; taking land, upgrading buildings, collecting a draft, buying a tech, trading ore/items, even clicking (or tapping on mobile) a territory to see it's stats, everything counts as a move. On PC, moving your mouse cursor within the game window also counts as a move that resets the idle timer.

Of course, leaving the WI screen and doing something else on Warzone or closing the site/app entirely starts the idle timer instantly, but if the WI screen is still open, on PC I believe the game stays active for about 5 minutes before it switches to idle mode, on mobile I believe the game stays in active mode indefinitely while on-screen. If Fizzer, or anyone who does know the active mode cut-offs sees this, they can help me clarify this.

Edited 10/21/2020 05:06:10
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 07:53:28

Level 61
that is very kind of you to provide answers to my questions i appreciate !!

so about that combination thing, is it as it has to be or a bug to be fixed ?
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 16:14:56

Level 64
From what I can tell and Krinid said, it's intended, but this is something Fizzer can answer. So, I would ask him whether or not the joint strike being dependent on the hospitals was intended.
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 20:33:57

Level 61
seems to me it is not very fair but what can we do...

also, and in another point of view , i was wondering if the maps folliwing "creek castle" would get even harder because i already have difficulties to finish that castle (90% done) and now i am waiting for my armies to get several 150/270M and it is going to last days and days. In the end i dont have fun anymore so if the coming ones are even harder maybe i would have to stop playing it, as pleasure disappears...
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 20:38:31

Level 63
I tend to invest all money in army camps + hospitals, while slowly getting all techs by just crafting the items. Then once techs are finished, I make the most expensive items possible, sell those and buy camp upgrades + merch to finish of the level
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 20:40:30

Level 62
It's highly unlikely that it's unintended. = It's intentional.

Fizzer is very pragmatic in how we rolls out new functionality, so no doubt he chose the values/order/etc in order to achieve a certain % benefit that hospitals would bring.

For this same reason, I don't think it will make a difference if the order is changed b/c such a change would be done in the same manner as all the changes are, which is with the intent to achieve the already established desired goal. So if the order of application is changed which makes Hospitals stronger than they are now (or more specifically, changed so that they didn't diminish the benefit Joint Strike provides), then the benefit of Hospitals would likely be reduced accordingly so that the post re-ordering result achieved roughly the same overall benefit.
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 20:51:38

Level 61
well that is what i am doing also but it seems camps are so expensive for such a little improvment - need 1 or 2 B !!!- that will take very long too.
also i might be wrong but i cant see the utility or selling ores ! alloys yes, but ores ? seems to me there is a lack of armies income possibility exept from mercenaries because how can you reach 300M armies when your rate is 8.11K/s, even your increse it to 9 or 9.5...

correct me if i am wrong but with my rate i get 29M per hour so 290M for 10 hours. and would need to repeat it 5,6 or 7 times as there are no more mercenary camps anywhere. So basically i would nee 5/7 days to finish it, there is no point in my humble opinion.

not here to criticize or anything like that , just telling my feelings with no bad intentions...
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 21:00:01

Level 61
@ krinid

I do understand your explanations and appreciate them.
The reason why I felt frustrated about losing around 10% - 2M armies ( on the example i gave above) was what i have explained sooner about the so difficult search of armies, to amassed them up to 200/300M (even maybe more in the next levels ???)

Or maybe idle is not for me...
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 21:02:54

Level 62

1) Level duration
Yes, each level gets increasingly longer. More territories, high # of armies to kill, more recipes to manage, more bars/items to make, etc. So if the scale is already tipping for you @ CCC, it's not likely to get any better.

THAT SAID ... are you playing on the latest update with Artifacts?

This update has hospitals and army camps which have better upgrades than previously, so this might increase your level of enjoyment relative to before. The levels are still going to take a look time, and you're still going to have lots of waiting time in between captures, etc, but imho there is certainly improvement.

For one, the army camp upgrades feel significant. Before army camps upgrades really seemed useless after the first few. Now not the case.

2) Selling ore
I never sell ore. It doesn't generate enough money to bother doing so compared to bars and items, and it's also not replaceable through any means other than waiting for more to accumulate. If you sell your bars, at least have the markets to be able to buy more if you made a mistake and need some that you sold. Also a lot of the luxury bars (chromium, dysprosium, unobtanium, etc) need the ores of lesser bars, so you really end up hurting yourself later in the level by selling the ore.
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-21 21:21:08

Level 61
thanks so i guess i will have to pass !

actually - and forgive me for my not so good english - i dont know what is artifacts ...

i am playing with hospitals so you mean i got the last updates first time i met them on Creek C.
as for army camps i dont feel they get better upgradtes, sorry dear friend... need 1.38B to get to 1.12 to 1.24 for just an example

finally we agree there is no point selling ores. therefore i dont understand why in techs there is an "option" saying : Increases sell price of all ores by 15%.
much better touse those ores and work them (bars, etc) to be sold later,everybody understands that...
by now i have neversen chromium, dysprosium, unobtanium. the "higher" metals i got is aluminium ans silve bur maybe those you describe are in upper maps.

anyway many thanks for this, ans also for your comprehension without denial, it is really fair
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-28 04:11:11

Level 62

You will start seeing chromium, dysprosium, unobtanium among a lot of other metals as you progress onward. Honestly it gets overwhelming. By the time you get to Scandinavia, Australia, USA, there are so many metals and items that it's a chore to keep track of how many of eventually you need, when to smelt, craft, buy from markets, etc, and the Tech tree is so vast to get through, each of them requiring different combinations of these bars and items.

I didn't count, but it felt like there are ~30 metals and ~50 items.
problem with hospitals and joint strike combined.: 2020-10-28 06:18:43

Level 64

If you're seeing the hospitals, but not artifacts, you're probably still playing the WZ-5.05 version of the map you're on, and not 5.06. But once you start your next map, you'll see a new type of landmark called 'dig sites'. When you find one, and claim its space or bonus, you'll have the option to spend some 'in-level' gold to start digging for an artifact, which in short are permanent items used to help make finishing levels a bit easier. Some work similarly to already existing advancements and are in constant effect, such as getting a boost in army camp production, while others work as items on a cooldown, such as getting a free fog buster every 24 hours to reveal 2-3 random territories on the current map. The main caveat to the artifacts is you can only have 3 active at anytime, though you can swap them out for other ones you have at anytime, with the exception being those on a cooldown.

Edited 10/28/2020 06:19:14
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