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Drafting armies value: 2020-10-13 01:19:42

Level 56
Is there a known formula for how many armies you can expect to draft? Or really any details?

My regular draft (currently on Copper Creek) is 300-800k. However I will hit spurts later in levels where drafts will return 5,10 or 20M. These larger bonuses seem to come clumped and shortly after I capture a batch of new territories / spend a large # of armies. But not always, and the values don't stay high.
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-13 01:22:30

Level 62
It roughly equals the same or slighter less armies than you would earn from your natural army income over the same period of time. So if you do it everyone 6 mins, you typically get the same as you would from army income.

But it increases with all army income you get, so armies from caches, buying mercs, etc, will cause it to go up, but once that impact runs out, you're back to your army income.

But that means that as you upgrade your army camps, your Drafts go up as well. And if you don't Draft for a while, the values go up, but I think you still get more by doing it every 6 mins, but not sure how much more - don't think it's significant enough to go out of your way to get them every 6 mins, but can't be sure.
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-13 06:19:59

King Jums
Level 58
I’m at the Japan level and I’ve found that mid game I get the highest amount from drafts (~90 mil) but when I have some 20-30 territories left it drops dramatically and even leaving it a while I only ever get a tiny amount (~15 mil) even though my army camps are double the production that then we’re before
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-13 06:41:00

King Jums
Level 58
Sadly, that means that it takes the same amount of time to do the last 10-15% as it does to do the first 85-90%
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-13 19:52:57

Level 62
Welcome to the "end of level problem".

What likely happened before is that (I'm guessing here) you were hitting army caches and buying mercs, which increases your Draft amounts. When you have 20-30 territories left, you've likely hit all the army caches and depleted all the merc camps, and are left only with income from the army camps, and thus Drafts falls off quickly.
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-14 00:19:13

Level 61
It seems to me that the draft amount is a function of how many armies you have spent since the last draft, with subsequent drafts decaying rapidly if you do not spend more armies.
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-14 15:29:59

Master Jz 
Level 62
This is what I've concluded. Drafts are set to be a certain percentage of total armies, and you'll draft armies to bring you up to that percentage. If the percentage is 16.7%, the equation looks like this:

Amount drafted = total armies earned x 16.7% - total drafted thus far.

If you've earned 100K armies and have drafted 14.7K armies thus far, your next draft will be 2k armies to bring you to 16.7K. There is a cap for how much you can draft at once. If you exceed it, you draft the cap until you catch up.

Edit: This may not be exact. There is probably a small bonus on top of the default value if you draft more often.

Edited 10/14/2020 16:13:19
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-21 22:48:45

Level 57
I think what ShaOwned says may be correct.

I've been wondering how this works too, because I did some experimenting, and I did not get the expected results. I'm late game on K-PX, and I started getting large drafts even though I was claiming them every 6 min roughly.

The next territory I want is big, so I started saving up armies and not attacking (still buying mercs though), So I figured if I set timers for every 6 minutes for a while, I should finish the level quick, since I have maybe 16 territories. But I noticed I started getting progressively less from drafting -- from 3-6M down to 650k, 500k, 350k. And after that it hasn't been higher than 386k.

So what I'm thinking is that it must be using one or more of these variables: how many armies you are using; how many armies you are earning; how much time has passed. And/Or how much of the map you have left to conquer (unless someone can confirm that the draft amount does not decline after 85% map completion in all cases).

Thinking about it, they probably needed a way to draw out the end of the levels so that you cant just finish it really quick. It would still be interesting to know how it works though.
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-22 00:34:33

Level 56
I've noticed that after making a big merc buy, or finding a large cache, my next draft will be very high, which coincides with what everyone is saying. However, it then seems that my next few drafts are also larger (but they decrease each time until it reaches a "normal" value that would be based solely on my army income, according to what everyone is saying here.

So it seems like it has to do with either income, like Master Jz says, or armies spent, like ShaOwned said, but somehow it is spread out over the next couple drafts to an extent. I've never had a small draft, then a massive draft, and then an immediate return to the smaller draft number, which makes me think that there's another factor at play.

Or do drafts stack and the amount of armies drafted also take into account the amounts that have been drafted previously? Perhaps that would account for drafts remaining high after large army acquisitions, if we're using Master Jz's formula.
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-24 21:13:50

Level 61
is it normal to capture a territory of 114M and then get a craft "gift" of... 548K ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
i yhought maybe it was delayed and checked the next was who was of the same value...

honestly, someone has to explain me how it works and what is happening here....

Drafting armies value: 2020-10-24 21:40:01

Level 61
i meant DRAFT on my first message of course, not craft sorry...

and here it comes again !
conquering several territories for about 75M and now getting....604K of army draft ! seriously ?!!!

ok its all clear now i am done with warzone.

nice life to everyone here who is nice and gentle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drafting armies value: 2020-10-24 22:59:40

Level 61
now the army draft is all stuck at 604K, whatever i do - conquer or not...
Drafting armies value: 2020-11-13 15:15:12

Level 57
Maybe a possible change would also be to have the drafts grow exponentially when there is <10%, 5%, 1% of territories to help with end of game boringness too...
Drafting armies value: 2020-11-13 15:18:04

Level 63
now the army draft is all stuck at 604K, whatever i do - conquer or not...
the draft formula was updated last update, so that is why it is stuck for a little bit, it will go work again at some point

f game boringness too...
The end game is slowly disappearing, since Fizzer is making the mid game longer and longer every update.... (The official answer from is: buy less mercs mid-game, so you have more left late game, just wait during the mid game instead)
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