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Slow pace from the start and too little idle time: 2020-09-25 10:08:32

Level 35
Hello, I am a new player here, though playing idle games for years. Basically, yesterday I just registered and I want to point out two issues which I see as a problem!

First - 2 hours "idle"/"offling" time! That's is way too little! In my opinion, idle dev must give players at least 10 hours for idle/offline timer. You go to sleep, turn off the game, and return in 6-7 hours and see what? You gained only 2 hours of game income. That's too little and really unfair. Not everyone has time to go sit in the game the whole day, and visiting once-twice is not an option too. Best to do is give us 12 hours offline timer.

Second - You go from 8 minutes to finish map to 1 day to finish map in... 8 minutes from the start of the game. It has really a big impact on mood. Like, "wow, new idle, open beta, now I will come in and play it, test it" and what you have after that? Waiting for large armies or resources, because progress pace suddenly slowed down by a lot. You can't even get advancements and try how it feels. Idle should slow down its pace, that's not the problem, problem here is how fast this happens. And combined with that 2 hours idle timer it destroys any fun.
But idle games should provide fun, you have to feel this progression every time you find out something new. It is not something "ah, keep it running and never take interest in it" thing.

This idle has nice concept, cool ideas, resources, upgrades, but these two things I mentioned above are too irritating.
Slow pace from the start and too little idle time: 2020-09-25 13:05:33

Level 61
I do agree. Keep in mind that the game is still in Beta, though. Updates have been pushed out almost every week so far. Everything in Idle is subject to change at this point.
Slow pace from the start and too little idle time: 2020-09-25 17:01:44

Level 64
Also, the 2 hour idle limit, that's what idle time extension advancement is for. Every level you get from that, you get 30 minutes added to your idle limit. So, in theory, you level up that advancement to get up to 24 hours of idle limit, since it doesn't have a level limit.
Slow pace from the start and too little idle time: 2020-09-25 17:10:47

Level 62
Several players have voiced the pace concern. Going form quick Tutorial to long 1st level is abrupt. As Farah mentioned, Fizzer has release a huge number of tweaks across numerous updates. But this one hasn't been addressed, nor even commented on so far as I know, so perhaps he likes that way?

My personal recommendation is leave Huruey and after like they are, but add 2 levels in between Tutorial & Huruey. Make 1 level take 2 hrs, make the next one take 10 hrs, the Huruey which I believe is ~18 hrs. It woudn't make a difference to those of us who are already well into the game (not enough AP for maps that small to make a difference) would greatly help new players not get overwhelmed right away.
Slow pace from the start and too little idle time: 2020-09-25 21:40:47

Level 42
First - 2 hours "idle"/"offling" time! That's is way too little! In my opinion, idle dev must give players at least 10 hours for idle/offline timer.
+1. This is why I stopped playing Idle, finally. It's an Idle game you have to play actively. Especially with army camps as useless as they are.

Also, the 2 hour idle limit, that's what idle time extension advancement is for.
It costs 172 AP to get the first level of that. You have to get through multiple level of Idle, at least a week or two of gameplay now, just to get to 2h30min. And 10h? I don't think anyone's got 10h of Idle Time yet.

this one hasn't been addressed, nor even commented on so far as I know, so perhaps he likes that way?
This has been commented on. Fizzer actually addressed your point about adding a level before Huruey and Tutorial when he streamed the Idle Beta launch- his point was that if you have a 2 hour level, you can just start the level, leave Idle alone, check 2h later, and now you're done.

Edited 9/25/2020 21:43:15
Slow pace from the start and too little idle time: 2020-09-25 22:21:59

Level 60
Most idle games I have played have been with the idle income suffering a penalty of some kind. Say 10% % of active income. Then you upgrade that %, instead of the idle time. (And idle time is fixed for everyone at 12 hours or whatever, maybe upgradable too).

That being said, the way this WZ idle is balanced, it seems to work fine. At least that is my current opinion.
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