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Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-24 16:02:48

Level 63
So just had the idea of what would be the next best thing for Idle (outside of actually making the game itself fun again)

Allow for a fully controllable map building mode. Allow the user to choose the map, and then essentially do as they please. If you want to have every single territory be a cache and be able to complete it in 10 min so be it, or build it to take days/weeks/ months.

This seems like it could be really fun and allow for many creative expressions!

Have a screen for crafter items, bars, and resources so you can choose which to include. Same for techs and so on. Allow the creator to choose through where and when they place items the speed at which the game progresses.

This model would then allow for Player verse player in idle.

A simple game be you need a mine, crafter, and army camp. and maybe a small area to explore with a few extra things like resource caches and then as you upgrade your army camp you can move to attack another player in a commerce style game in that you need to balance your production and ability to produce items to sell while upgrading your army camp. upgrade army camp to slowly and someone can overwhelm you with theirs and so on. Becoming increasingly more complex with added camps/mines/techs and so on.

Basically a civilization type game with a warzone core.


Edited 9/24/2020 16:03:47
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-24 16:06:21

Level 63
In player verse player games you would not be allowed to buy powers.

To a degree this has been my desire for play since idle game out. Maybe I am just missing sid meier's civilization games though.
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-24 16:09:16

Level 43
What is this?
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-24 16:12:10

Level 59
This is the exact reason why i stayed on Warzone, Customs!
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-25 01:52:19

Level 62
That's an interesting idea RecMart ... insofar as WZI is a logical extrapolation of the WZC construct into an Idle game, your idea is an extrapolation of WZI & WZC into a Civilization/City building construct.

Certainly some components would need to be added (like mines/army camps/etc were added to WZI from what already exists in WZC).

But overall it's a pretty cool idea. What would the name be though? Can't Warzone Civilization b/c, well Copyright to start with, but also needs to form a WZx acronym and WZC is already taken.
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-25 02:59:17

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
As for the Market, I suggested stock market trade before for selling items, this would work good for buying also. Maybe this is something you can work in also, maybe it will not work?

Having 2 players battle out on these maps would be cool, have to rearrange things, but doubled. This would add much excitement to game. Boarding playing alone.
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-25 07:08:19

Level 63
Warzone evolution

Both the game itself changing and evolving and what you would be doing in each game.

I would really like to play a game that can do this. I don't even this it would be that hard to have a basic PvP set up. As you go keep building complexity. And then larger groups, imagine teams and maximizing economies by working together to out produce in terms of armies. Through advancing your techs, mining, and crafting.

Added component would be force multipliers where you could craft weapons to then equip to your troops, and that maybe if its just numbers (and not type of troops) then you have 1.25 troops due to x upgrade. (troops increase by 25%)
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-25 07:10:00

Level 63
This is a really cool idea RecMart
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-26 21:07:29

Level 61
I don't play Idle.

This would get me to play Idle.
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-29 02:01:00

Level 63
Thank you
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-29 13:52:11

Level 63
I’m all for it! Instead of using your resources to build tin cans and copper wire, you should use them to build weapons (Spears, arrows, eventually cannons, eventually nukes) for your troops and advance technologically like in civ. Could have massive fun in a diplo commerce game like this, or competitive 1v1.

Now that WZI has introduced the possibility of collecting, processing and advancing resources, the question is how (and how long will it be) to merge the resource based play of WZI with the strategic combat of WZC. I for one, am optimistic there will be a way!
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-29 13:59:27

Level 63
This could be Idle Multiplayer while the levels we are currently playing are Idle Singleplayer
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-29 14:01:56

Level 62
Is the concept here that anyone could challenge anyone else at any time to battle their settings on a given map?

So instead of battling an AI, you're battling (for example) JK_3 with whatever AP advancements he has at a given point in time.

But neither player is actively doing anything other than the first player who instigates the battle.
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-09-29 20:51:41

Level 56
I find the current WZI singleplayer quite boring.

But WZI multiplayer could be a thing. This would mean that part of Warzone could become a real time strategy game like other (successfull?) games.

a few ideas about such multiplayer:
- Do not use the Powers or Advancements or at least give the game creator the possibility to disable them!
- maybe let attack moves take some time to advance
- implement defensive movement and armyplacement; If this is included there are two options: Place armies only manually when you are online or make a rally point available for recently created armies while afk.
- If there is a max afk/idle time, it should be possible to change the amount of hours after which your income becomes 0.
- make sending money and armies to an ally possible.
- Renaming the created item names to something more deadly would be good, but just cosmetical.
- implement other win conditions but "total ellimination"
- ...
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-10-06 03:33:17

Level 58
The one thing I miss in idle is any strategy and competition play. I am a casual and probably the target market to get new players even though I have been here for years. incorporate all that is amazing about this game and community. Maps and competition with a twist! Build it.
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-10-06 15:45:15

Level 61
I feel like you guys are all insane and PvP in Warzone Idle would be absolutely awful.

The strategic elements you are all describing are essentially negligible in comparison to the effect of drafting every 6 minutes without fail. It would be a competition to set alarms in the middle of the night and push the button every 6 minutes like Desmond on the Lost TV show.

I think co-op could work in theory but the game would have to be majorly reworked for competitive WZI to be anything other than a complete grind.
Idle Map Builder and player verse player: 2020-10-06 15:48:13

Level 61
And that's not even getting into the significant issues with pay-to-win. You need to remove coins from 'competitive WZI' and if coins are removed it's naturally going to fall later on the development roadmap.
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