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Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 15:51:47

Level 63
hi guys!!
i am the scorekeeper for Division C

Following the forfeiture of "Varangian Guard", we are pleased to welcome Polish Eagles who finished 3rd in division D last season
This division promises to be exciting with 7 clans that can be promoted to div B, but there is only 2 places !!
so good luck all!

Important links:

CLOT: http://wzclot.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/leagues/369/
Official Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RpIMi16M8CBSioEAQmZNsGqAC3kMoIYsutHIWS_7e64/
Clan League Discord: https://discord.gg/NAQ5XC

Contenders :

[V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos
Polish Eagles
French Community
Lu Fredd


Edited 11/2/2020 17:35:09
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 16:04:32

Level 62
Hello and good luck everyone!

VIW is making a substitution:

Player out: petro
Player in: Chazz Michael Michaels
Tournament: 2v2 Strategic MME
Subs left: 11
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 16:06:41

Level 63

                                       % PC    PTS    MP    W - L     GP   GR

1.  French Community                 75.8    182    182   49 .17    66    0    ( Promoted )
2.  Lu Fredd                        69.2    166    166   44 .22    66    0    ( promoted ) 
3. [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos 58.8 141 141 38 .28 66 0 4. CORP 55.0 132 132 37 .29 66 0 5. Polish Eagles 46.7 112 112 32 .34 66 0
6. Discovery 25.8 62 62 18 .48 66 0 ( relegated ) 7. Hydra 17.5 42 42 13 .53 66 0 ( relegated ) penality -3 pts

Edited 2/12/2021 22:29:29
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 16:07:11

Level 63
3v3 Late Medieval India

                                              PTS    MP    
1.  French Community                 6.0    30     30       Ju - pignouf71 - Phaeril               "Winners"
2.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  5.1    25     25       Easyfragger - lineal2012 - Vindude
3.  Lu Fredd                        4.2    20     20       NoName 2.1 - Gyca - ZeroBlindDragon
4.  Polish Eagles                   3.3    15     15       Onoma94 - Przemoo - waffle
5.  CORP                            2.4    10     10       DIVEaLIMI - Tjoex - Garlikid D. Ven
6.  Hydra                           1.5     5      5       Blortis - Sebus Maximus - TheThedde
7.  Discovery                       0.6     0      0       MrTrolldemort - Atlas - Penguinos 

3V3 Deadman's Rise of Rome

                                              PTS    MP    
1.  Lu Fredd                        6.0    30     30   sanjo91 - Lord Koros - Johnnygoodboy    "Winners"
2.  French Community                 5.1    25     25   Pierrot - Wazz - Oversea 
3.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  4.2    20     20   BellRO-Chazz Michael -Druedain
4.  CORP                            3.3    15     15   orionaux - The Shots - Garlikid D. Ven    
5.  Hydra                           1.5     5      5   Doc - Hranolk - Legend of the Phoenix
5.  Polish Eagles                   1.5     5      5   NoePL - Konrad - Maly08          
5.  Discovery                       1.5     5      5   Durzo Blint - TableTrivia - [FCC]dman

Edited 1/22/2021 18:29:28
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 16:07:20

Level 63
2v2 Biomes of America
                                              PTS    MP  
1.  Lu Fredd                        5.1    20     20   ZeroBlindDragon - Samwise   "Winners"
2.  French Community                 5.1    20     20   Oversea - Zev   
3.  CORP                            4.2    16     16   Tr4gic - dry-clean-only
4.  Discovery                       3.3    12     12   TableTrivia - PapaMarsh
5.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  2.4     8      8   Andre Laufmöller - [V.I.W] recruiting           
6.  Polish Eagles                   2.4     8      8   POLAND FIGHTS FOR WR - Semper Fidelis       
7.  Hydra                           0.6     0      0   Fady Andraws - Benjamin628      

2v2 Modified Medium Earth
                                              PTS    MP       
1.  Lu Fredd                        6.0    24     24       NoName 2.1 - KaitoS  "Winners"
2.  French Community                 5.1    20     20       Zé - Phaeril
3.  Polish Eagles                   3.3    12     12       Ichi the Blind - Dziku 
4.  Hydra                           2.4     8      8       Stealth90 - Rex Paul of Lizardino  
4.  CORP                            2.4     8      8       Ragnar Lothbrok - Baer
4.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  2.4     8      8       Chazz Michael Michaels -  Grendel      
7.  Discovery                       1.5     4      4       Israel - Tizzlin   

2v2 Volcano
                                              PTS    MP    
1.  CORP                            5.1    20     20       Garlikid D. Ven - Nemo     "Winners"
2.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  5.1    20     20       Sandokan - Ema32
3.  Polish Eagles                   3.3    12     12       Semper Fidelis - NoePL     
3.  Lu Fredd                        3.3    12     12       NoName 2.1 - KaitoS
3.  French Community                 3.3    12     12       Pignouf71 - Zev    
6.  Discovery                       2.4     8      8       TableTrivia - SubLunar Unit       
7.  Hydra                           0.6     0      0       Benjamin628 - Fady Andraws

Edited 2/12/2021 22:11:32
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 16:33:24

Level 63
1v1 Land of Bork
                                              PTS    MP   
1.  French Community                 6.0    18     18       Zé                 "Winner"
2.  CORP                            5.1    15     15       dry-clean-only 
3.  Lu Fredd                        4.2    12     12       Samwise
4.  Discovery                       2.4     6      6       PapaMarsh
4.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  2.4     6      6       petro      
6.  Hydra                           1.5     3      3       Benjamin628
6.  Polish Eagles                   1.5     3      3       waffle         

1v1 Elitist Africa
                                             PTS    MP    
1.  Polish Eagles                   5.1    15     15       POLAND FIGHTS FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS   "Winner"
2.  Discovery                       4.2    12     12       PapaMarsh
2.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  4.2    12     12       Chazz Michael Michaels
4.  Lu Fredd                        3.3     9      9       Gustaf Mannerheim  
5.  French Community                 3.3     9      9       Wazz
6.  CORP                            2.4     6      6       Dutch Desire              
7.  Hydra                           0.6     0      0       Sebus Maximus  

1v1 French Brawl
                                              PTS    MP    
1.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  6.0    18     18       lineal2012    "Winner"
2.  CORP                            5.1    15     15       Tjoex
3.  French Community                 4.2    12     12       Phaeril
4.  Polish Eagles                   3.3     9      9       Przemoo 
5.  Lu Fredd                        1.5     3      3       Paul     
5.  Hydra                           1.5     3      3       Sebus Maximus         
5.  Discovery                       1.5     3      3       William Duan   

1v1 Malvia
                                              PTS    MP    
1.  Lu Fredd                        6.0    18     18       We ride! "Winner"
2.  Polish Eagles                   3.3     9      9       Menda
3.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  3.3     9      9       BellRO
4.  French Community                 3.3     9      9       Pierrot
5.  CORP                            3.3     9      9       The Shots 
6.  Discovery                       2.4     6      6       Israel 
7.  Hydra                           1.5     3      3       Rex Paul of Lizardino

1v1 Strategic MME
                                              PTS    MP    
1.  Hydra                           5.1    15     15       Stealth90   "Winner"
2.  French Community                 5.1    15     15       Niko
3.  Polish Eagles                   3.3     9      9       Konrad
3.  CORP                            3.3     9      9       Tr4gic
3.  Lu Fredd                        3.3     9      9       Johnnygoodboy
6.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  2.4     6      6       Andre Laufmöller                
7.  Discovery                       0.6     0      0       Tizzlin 

1v1 Volcano Island
                                              PTS    MP  
1.  Polish Eagles                   5.1    15     15       Menda   "Winner"  
2.  French Community                 4.2    12     12       Ju 
3.  Lu Fredd                        3.3     9      9       Gustaf Mannerheim
4.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  3.3     9      9       [V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
5.  CORP                            3.3     9      9       finding machine-washed cloth  
6.  Discovery                       2.4     6      6       Israel  
7.  Hydra                           1.5     3      3       Legend of the Phoenix

Edited 1/23/2021 14:32:19
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 16:33:40

Level 63
INDIVIDUAL RANKING (by tournament played)

                         %PC     PTS   GP
3 Tournaments played 

 1. Phaeril             86.1  62/72  18
 2. NoName 2.1         71.8  56/78  18
 3. Chazz Michaels     54.8  40/73  18
 4. Garlikid D. Ven     53.6  45/84  18
 5. PapaMarsh          50.0  30/60  18
 6. TableTrivia        33.8  25/74  18
 7. Israel             26.7  16/60  18
 8. Sebus Maximus      12.1   8/66  18
 9. Benjamin628         4.5   3/66  18

2 Tournaments played
 1. Zé                  90.5  38/42  12
 2. lineal2012         89.6  43/48  12
 3. Ju                  87.5  42/48  12
 4. Oversea             83.3  45/54  12
 5. Pignouf71           82.6  38/46  10
 6. Johnnygoodboy      81.3  39/48  12
 7. ZeroBlindDragon    76.3  45/59  12
 8. Samwise            76.2  32/42  12
 9. KaitoS             75.0  36/48  12
10. dry-clean-only      73.8  31/42  12
11. Wazz                70.8  34/48  12
11. Pierrot             70.8  34/48  12 
13. Zev                 66.7  32/48  12
14. Menda              66.7  24/36  12
15. BellRO             60.4  29/48  12
16. Tr4gic              59.5  25/42  12
17. POLAND fight forWR 54.8  23/42  12
17. Stealth90          54.8  23/42  12
19. Tjoex               52.1  25/48  12
20. Przemoo            50.0  24/48  12
20. The Shots           50.0  24/48  12
22. recruiting time!!  44.7  17/38  11
23. Gustaf Mannerheim  50.0  18/36  12
24. Semper Fidelis     45.5  20/44  11
25. Waffle             37.5  18/48  12
26. Andre Laufmöller   33.3  14/42  12
27. NoePL              31.5  17/54  12
28. Konrad             29.2  14/48  12
29. AgentSpecjalny     27.3   9/33   7
30. Rex Paul Lizard    26.2  11/42  12
31. Legend Phoenix     16.7   8/48  12
32. Tizzlin             9.5   4/42  12
33. Fady Andraws        0     0/48  12

1 Tournament played

 1. sanjo91           100    30/30   6
 1. Lord Koros        100    30/30   6 
 3. We ride!          100    18/18   6
 4. Easyfragger        83.3  25/30   6
 5. Nemo                83.3  20/24   6
 5. Sandokan           83.3  20/24   6
 5. Ema32              83.3  20/24   6   
 8. Niko                83.3  15/18   6
 9. Vindude            73.5  25/34   7
10. Druedain           66.7  20/30   6
10. Gyca               66.7  20/30   6
12. Onoma94            50.0  15/30   6
12. orionaux            50.0  15/30   6
14. Ichi the Blind     50.0  12/24   6  
14. Dziku              50.0  12/24   6
16. finding machine-    50.0   9/18   6 
17. Legui               50     4/8    2
18. DIVEaLIMI          33.3  10/30   6
19. Grendel            33.3   8/24   6
19. Ragnar Lothbrok     33.3   8/24   6
19. Baer                33.3   8/24   6 
19. SubLunar Unit      33.3   8/24   6
23. petro              33.3   6/18   6
23. Dutch Desire        33.3   6/18   6 
25. Maly08             20.0   5/25   6
26. Doc                16.7   5/30   6
26. Hranolk            16.7   5/30   6
26. Blortis            16.7   5/30   6
26. The Thedde         16.7   5/30   6
26. Durzo Blint        16.7   5/30   6
26. [FCC]dman          16.7   5/30   6
32. Paul               16.7   3/18   6
32. William Duan       16.7   3/18   6
34. Denriev             0     0/4    1 
35. MrTrolldemort       0     0/30   6
35. Atlas               0     0/30   6
35. Penguinos           0     0/30   6

Edited 2/12/2021 22:37:38
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-01 16:44:16

Level 59
Thanks Zev
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-02 09:12:30

NoName 2.1
Level 60
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-06 14:02:30

Garlikid D. Ven 
Level 60
Thank you Zev, looking forward to reading your awesome English commentaries :D
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-06 20:13:53

Level 61
This is the division where a lot of clans will have something to prove.

Discovery, that it's not just FCC kindergarden, but a true school of rising WZ stars.
Polish Eagles, that they didn't only promote by accident riding on the two well known players.
CORP and Viw, that the CL 12 result was a fluke and CL 11 is more like the real them
Hydra, that they can stay in C despite the -3 at the start
French Community and Lu Fredd are already the favorites by far, so we'll see how far ahead will they be of everyone else.
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-11 17:29:30

Level 62
VIW is making 6 substitutions:

Player out: BellRO
Player in: petro
Tournament: 1v1 Blitzkrieg Bork
Subs left: 10

Player out: Erengar
Player in: Chazz Michael Michaels
Tournament: 1v1 Elitist Africa
Subs left: 9

Player out: Grendel
Player in: lineal2012
Tournament: 1v1 French Brawl
Subs left: 8

Player out: petro
Player in: BellRO
Tournament: 1v1 Malvia
Subs left: 7

Player out: Ema32
Player in: [V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Tournament: 1v1 Volcano Island
Subs left: 6

Player out: Vindude
Player in: Andre Laufmöller
Tournament: 1v1 Strategic MME
Subs left: 5
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-14 00:43:22

Level 63
3v3 Late Medieval India

French Community defeats Discovery (no join)

Winners : Phaeril-Ju-Pignouf

                                              PTS    MP    

1.  French Community                 1.0     5     30
2.  CORP                            0.0     0     30    
2.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  0.0     0     30
2.  Polish Eagles                   0.0     0     30          
2.  Hydra                           0.0     0     30
2.  Lu Fredd                        0.0     0     30
7.  Discovery                       0.1     0     25

Edited 10/6/2020 20:36:25
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-14 09:58:19

Level 63
3v3 Late Medieval India

French Community defeats Hydra https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=23783868

Winners : Phaeril-Ju-Pignouf

                                              PTS    MP  
1.  French Community                 2.0    10     30
2.  CORP                            0.0     0     30    
2.  [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos  0.0     0     30
2.  Polish Eagles                   0.0     0     30          
2.  Lu Fredd                        0.0     0     30
6.  Hydra                           0.1     0     25
6.  Discovery                       0.1     0     25

Edited 10/6/2020 20:37:15
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-14 11:11:17

Level 60
FC grabbing some quick wins...
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-14 11:54:41

Level 61
This is crazy. Not so surprising tho. It's CL 12 D all over again.
Discovery with non-join losses :/
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-14 23:46:30

bliss machine
Level 62
looks like my ol' buddy ilpeggiore and i will play again on volcano island
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-16 03:08:09

Level 63
i just read the thread of CL and i saw Hydra has 3 points of pénalities . i updated
sorry Hydra !!
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-19 10:14:52

NoName 2.1
Level 60
Lu Fredd is making a substitution:

Elitist Africa 1v1
Out: Danilla https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=70111726510
In: Gustaf Mannerheim https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3947858935
Subs left: 10

Thank u guys
Clan League 13 Division C Official Thread: 2020-09-20 16:35:36

Level 63
For substitutions, make it on official thread of CL pls
to be sure, farah see it
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