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Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-01 22:15:39

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
I do understand about the limit of only 2 hours when not in the game. I would like to suggest that changing the "Time Warp" to the same time limit (2 hours instead of 1 hour) would help a little bit, but not give the farm away maybe. It is only received once or twice a game if you are lucky with the picking of the 3 doors. Please review and consider this,

As for the, "Draft", very unpredictable, even after many hours (10) offline, it gave me a low 600K + when I am fighting all territories well in the millions. Maybe the amount you battle with should have a effect on it's quantity given. If I am making or buying over 95% of the armies in a fight against over 100 million on the map, it just feels pointless when you only get 100K draft. so maybe this should be factored into the draft amounts given if it is not already?? . When I have to produce millions to take one territory, and all I can get from 300K to 50K from draft, it is slow process, BUT, they are free and it is a draft.

Maybe there will be Techs in the future games to upgrade these?

I would like to talk about the bottom Pop-Up window.
1) Is it possible to have CHANGE RECIPE on one side or the other and have Smelters/Crafters Pop-Up on the other side filling the Black Area up and alleviating the need to always move the CHANGE RECIPE window out of the way.

2) there is a great deal of space wasted on the bottom, placing these 2 side by side would be great.

3) This could be the same for the Market, something I have never taken advantage of yet cause items are way to high priced. 400% mark up is a lot.

Finishing up day 6 on The Siege of Feldmere, 7 hours 2 go, will take 1 more days. I feel I may finish it today.

Thanks Sasquatch...

Edited 8/3/2020 21:22:46
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-02 01:46:34

Level 61
I would like to suggest that changing the "Time Warp" to the same time limit (2 hours instead of 1 hour) would help a little bit, but not give the farm away maybe. It is only received once or twice a game if you are lucky with the picking of the 3 doors. Please review and consider this,

You can invest AP to increase your idle time. Two hours is not the default!

As for the, "Draft", very unpredictable, even after many hours (10) offline, it gave me a low 600K + when I am fighting all territories well in the millions. Maybe the amount you battle with should have a effect on it's quantity given. If I am making or buying over 95% of the armies in a fight against over 100 million on the map, it just feels pointless when you only get 100K draft. so maybe this should be factored into the draft amounts given if it is not already?? . When I have to produce millions to take one territory, and all I can get from 300K to 50K from draft, it is slow process, BUT, they are free and it is a draft.

The drafts are predictable :) Consider joining the Warzone Discord server to ask around!
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-02 18:55:00

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
You can invest AP to increase your idle time. Two hours is not the default!

OK, great, thanks. Have not looked that far, can not afford yet. LOL
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-02 22:20:45

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
I would like to talk about the bottom Pop-Up window.
1) Is it possible to have CHANGE RECIPE on one side or the other and have Smelters/Crafters Pop-Up on the other side filling the Black Area up and alleviating the need to always move the CHANGE RECIPE window out of the way.

2) there is a great deal of space wasted on the bottom, placing these 2 side by side would be great.

3) This could be the same for the Market, something I have never taken advantage of yet cause items are way to high priced. 400% mark up is a lot.

Finishing up day 5 on The Siege of Feldmere, 6 hours 2 go, will take 1 or 2 more days.


Edited 8/2/2020 22:40:46
- downvoted post by placeholder
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-02 22:39:01

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
Hi, it is located in the Powers. Top of list.
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-03 10:05:46

Level 60
This could be the same for the Market, something I have never taken advantage of yet cause items are way to high priced. 400% mark up is a lot.

Later items will yield much higher profits. Capacitor on Reconquest 1065 for example costs 100 million in materials and sells for 15 billion, you'll gladly pay 400%, buy stuff for 400 million instead and still rake in 14.6 billion in profits if it keeps your crafters unoccupied.

The constant 4-fold mark up seems boring though, there should be more variance.

Edited 8/3/2020 10:06:33
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-03 18:32:55

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I would say the number one limitation on finishing levels quickly is how quickly you can make/how well you retain armies. Therefore, the three best advancements are (likely) Joint Strike, Increased Army Camp Production, and Increased Idle Time, with the last one being most powerful if you don't want to be constantly checking your game.

All my achievement points are going towards army camp/ joint strike, and im close to doubling my army camp production now.

Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-04 08:21:00

Level 60
I'm starting to think "Additional Mercenaries" may be better than "Increased Army Camp Production".
In my current game the armies I spent so far came from:
2.3 billion mercenaries
1.9 billion caches
1.3 billion drafting
0.8 billion army camps (including +80% from increased ACP)
So (at least in this level) +80% in army camp production has the same effect as ~+20% more mercenaries.
Had I leveled "Additional Mercenaries" I could finish this today instead of at the end of the week :-)
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-04 11:13:22

Level 60
Finishing up day 6 on The Siege of Feldmere, 7 hours 2 go, will take 1 more days. I feel I may finish it today.

Looks like wrong AP investment might really hurt. I just finished this level, started it 5 days ago. I have only gone Army camp and joint strike so far.

Joint strike is a bit risky, since some levels are much more linear then others. But seems to really pay off on levels like feldmore.
Army camp upgrades, really make the early game of a level faster too.

Edited 8/4/2020 11:14:05
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-04 18:54:01

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
No wrong AP here, my ore is worth more than crafted items, I do not have to convert ore to items to make decent money, yea baby!!!

Edited 8/4/2020 18:54:21
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-04 19:15:43

Level 58
Has anyone done the math on how the different Advancements affects the completion time of the level?

I assume the other Advancements like sell value and production will pay off at some point.
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-05 04:12:23

Level 62

I'm starting to think "Additional Mercenaries" may be better than "Increased Army Camp Production".
In my current game the armies I spent so far came from:
2.3 billion mercenaries
1.9 billion caches
1.3 billion drafting
0.8 billion army camps (including +80% from increased ACP)
So (at least in this level) +80% in army camp production has the same effect as ~+20% more mercenaries.
Had I leveled "Additional Mercenaries" I could finish this today instead of at the end of the week :-)

I've been wondering the same thing. I also look at those stats and notice that armies from camps is always the lowest among that + armies drafted + armies from caches + armies from mercs.

BUT ... have to factor in that the army upgrades were 34 AP, then down to ~25 AP for +10% increments increasing up to 90 AP for the final to get to +100% armies. Next one is +100 AP for another 10%. For your +80% bonus, I think the final upgrade was 81 AP ... so total to +80% ~= 34+25+34+45+54+65+76+81 = 414 AP total.

And Additional Mercs is 110 AP for +10% then likely 120 AP+ for a mere +2.5% additional increment.

So using your #'s:
- 10% of 2.3B mercs = 230M armies for 110 AP = 2.09 armies/AP
- 80% of 0.8B armies from camps = 640M armies for 414 AP = 1.55 armies/AP

Yep, you're right, it's at least slightly better for the particular #'s in your game.

Of course ... it depends on how patient you are. You could just walk away for 2 hrs 12 times a day, and you'd get more free armies for as long as you like, and that would change the ratio again.

Also Army % bonus gets things moving quicker in the early level - this means you'll get more mines/army camps/merc camps quicker (merc camps aren't any good if you can't cap them). Joint strike helps with overall army savings. Additional mercs helps with the overall availability of units, focused on mid and late game. So a blend of the 3 is likely best.

I'd say 1 upgrade of Army % bonus is the 1st one you should get so early stage moves nicely, then 1 upgrade of joint strike, then 1 upgrade of additional mercs. That's probably the best balance you're going to find to help with early and mid to late game.
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-05 11:51:59

Level 60
Here's a snapshot of my current game (Reconquest 1065):

90% of territories conquered so far
60% level completed
Still ~70 territories with a total of ~3 B armies to beat.

₩ per second: 0.4 M (4.4%)
In addition to that, 7 crafters generate items worth ~1.25 M ₩ per second each: 8.75 M (95.6%)
Effective total income: 9.15 M/s (100%)

Total ₩ earned: 986.8 B (100%)
- from territories: 8.8 B (0.9%)
- from bonuses: 36.0 B (3.6%)
- from ore: 2.4 B (0.2%)
- from alloys: 2.8 B (0.3%)
- from items: 919.5 B (93.2%)
- from caches: 17.3 B (1.8%)

₳ per second: 12.9 K
3 out of 8 army camps are maxed out. Of the other 5 the cheapest upgrade costs 28 B for level 22.

Total ₳ earned: 7.6 B (100%)
- from army camps: 1.9 B (25%) (with increased army camp production at +80%)
- from mercenaries: 2.3 B (30%) (no additional mercenaries)
- from caches: 1.9 B (25%)
- from drafting: 1.5 B (20%)

Started 3 days, 15 hrs ago.
I played a market raid on the most expensive market to help complete the tech tree, and I used 2x Inspire Mercenaries to clear the 2 most expensive camps.

I didn't bother upgrading mines beyond 10 B per upgrade, as there is no point in self-producing the source items required for the most profitable item (motor in this case). It would just occupy crafter slots with minor items, so buying stuff on the market ends up yielding much higher overall returns when all crafters produce motors.

3 B armies to go, at 13 K/s = 64hrs wait time.
My 7% Joint Strike will bring that down to ~60hrs.
As I don't babysit the game 24/7, drafting will reduce the wait by at most another 20%, so say 50hrs of doing virtually nothing.
Conclusion: The WZ idle late game is so utterly boring that I even find the time to sum up nerdy stats in a bloody forum post. Might as well start playing ladder again :-)
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-05 21:39:08

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
Yes, I am finding it getting boring also, unless you want to spend lot's of money. Just getting the AP bonus purchase is enough for me. It sure would be nice to get reimbursed for what I have spent on this, over 300 coins. We are doing what we can to help them develop it, this would be a small token that would cost them nothing and I can continue to buy AP. If not, I will have to stop buying AP then, the price is getting higher. I am already a member.

I am also playing it on my phone, second game play from start. Learned a lot on my PC, putting skills and tricks to that one.

I have 4 Skip Level's now, never used one yet, you guys?

Edited 8/6/2020 06:49:49
Time Warp suggestion/idea: 2020-08-07 05:09:47

Level 62
WZI is an odd game, isn't it? On one hand, it's boring and dull, anyone can beat it given enough time, it's literally impossible to lose, just a matter of how stylishly you win.

And yet I keep playing it. Even replayed some earlier levels to get more AP. But you're right, the end stage of each level can be a dreary slow crawl through the inevitable high double digit Million armies waiting on numerous territories. You thought you were 75% complete (and by territory counts, you are) but once you see the huge army stacks lying in wait, you realize that you're only 50%, maybe less.

That said, I had a bunch of power ups saved up and used a few time warps, a few army super charges, a few caches, a few fog busters, and I'm now 80% finished Geopolitics (real 80% b/c I can see b/c of the fog busters) in 1.5 days which should take 8.5 days according to this post https://www.warzone.com/Forum/441259?Offset=0.

Though honestly I can't imagine maintaining interest in the later levels which will take >1 month to finish. Seems crazy tbh. I can't explain why I've even played this long tbh, maybe just the novelty, but surely that will wear off and the dread of spending 30 days on a single level will cause me to stop. Or maybe just start posting stats like you! LOL. Also possible.

It'd probably actually be more fun if there wasn't any fog, and there was more strategy in the path you took to clear the level, and there were actually ways to lose. So not just a matter of how efficiently you can clear a level, but actual problems you need to solve else you can't solve the level.
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