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Infected Mod: 2020-07-21 23:20:45

Level 59
Can someone add infected mod? Most start as survivors, but few start as infected (Separate teams respectively). Every infected start with 1000 armies but base income (explain later), while survivors start with no armies but with low base income. If the survivor attacks the infected but fails to take it, most attacking armies and its territory becomes infected(most of the time). If it succeeds, most attacking survivors who died gets converted to "Reinforcement Card" for the infected team. If the infected attacks survivors and succeeds taking it, most survivor territory armies convert to "Reinforcement Card" for the infected team. If it fails, all attacking infected dies and a small percentage (5% is prefer) of survivor territory armies convert to "Reinforcement Card" for the infected team. If the survivor(s) are fully surrounded by infected and it has only 3 or less territory, they convert to infected. NUMBERS ARE EXAMPLES.

For balance, last survivor are immune to anything mention previously The more zombies there are, the more weaker there are. on the beginning, make it is that it takes 10 survivors can kill 1 zombie.

For survivors to win, they survive for 150 turns (Cure) or the infected are wipe out. Infected wins if all survivors are booted, infected, or eliminated. Teamwork is very important.
By KaelF

Edited 7/23/2020 13:12:47
Infected Mod: 2020-07-21 23:22:51

Level 62
Interesting ideas. I'm working on my first mod now so still new to figuring out the hooks of the WZ API and how best to interact.

Once I finish this and become more acquainted with it, might give it a shot if no one else has by that time.
Infected Mod: 2020-07-21 23:25:48

Level 59
thx krinid
Infected Mod: 2020-07-22 01:29:27

Level 60
I tried making some zombies mod a long time ago. I found that balancing it was superhard. As in, i was never able to make a fair template that used any sort of infection/ zombie gimmick.

I don’t think your proposal is balanced. For example 150 turns is a ridiculous long time in wz. And 1000 armies is huge. If you can show me a balanced game i might be interested

Edited 7/22/2020 01:29:47
Infected Mod: 2020-07-22 02:37:05

Level 59

Edited 7/22/2020 14:07:50
Infected Mod: 2020-07-22 13:29:14

Level 62
The key is to make the mod versatile. Make all the key values configurable.

Take the Bomb Card (RC) vs Reinforcement Card (RC) for example.

BC is terrible ... a flat, unchanging 50%. All you can change is how many pieces is comes in and how often you get a piece. The idea of a bomb card is great - additional damage based on card acquisition. But why is there no ability to set a min/max dmg value? Set it to a set flat amount vs random amount vs % dmg, etc? ((Mental note -- I need to make a 'Smart bomb' mod to fix this)).

Now look at RC ... you can make it a flat amount, a growing amount by turn # or by # of territories owned, etc. And whichever way you go, you can choose that amount/multiple to use for the armies gained. Versatile.

So make this zombie mod the same ... let the game host worry about making a fair game. It'll depend on the # of players, the map, distribution method, maybe even a custom scenario, etc.

Just make the mod versatile enough to let everyone make or break their own game.
Infected Mod: 2020-07-22 13:34:06

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
There could also be weapons and supplies (supplies get you a reinforcement card while weapons have different amounts of better kill rate)
Knife, Katana, Rifle, Machine gun, Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, etc
Infected Mod: 2020-07-22 20:12:56

Level 60
‘ Just make the mod versatile enough to let everyone make or break their own game’

I mean that is what I did. But the concept itself is hard to balance, so I need a good suggestion on how to boost the zombie but still make a fair game.

What I tried was essentially several versions of ‘give them more armies’ but that didn’t play well at all. You could tell very early who was going to win
Infected Mod: 2020-07-23 00:42:06

Level 59
TBest, what your talking about is similar to COD MW2019 infected. Even when survivors were giving care packages, Deployable covers and munition box, the infected would win most times. Even the last person had 200 health and still mostly loss. THE ONLY WAY TO MOST OF THE WINs would be to try to keep the infected numbers low in the first place.
Infected Mod: 2020-07-23 12:41:17

Level 62
Isn't this zombies mod essentially just a modded variation of the GoT white walkers custom scenario games people make?

How do those games work exactly? Typically the WW lose in those games, I think.
Infected Mod: 2020-07-23 13:10:19

Level 59
Army cap for zombies, zombies can move 2x times faster.
Infected Mod: 2020-08-19 01:18:20

Level 59
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