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Destroying maps: 2020-07-21 12:30:59

Level 57
I noticed, that every time I create a single-player level on a map, people add few negative votes or even reviews on it.
For example https://www.warzone.com/Map/38698-Terra-Mariana went from Average rating: 3.7692 / 5 to Average rating: 3.375 / 5.
Are there any maps you want me to create levels on?
These maps shouldn't have too many ratings, so my interference is not insignificant (this rules out RoR).
Destroying maps: 2020-07-21 12:32:21

Kenghis Ghan 
Level 61
I've sent you a list, Balthromaw. I think they meet your criteria.
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 00:58:59

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I saw this review on the map you linked:

The map is nice but you have a scenario in which you have NO troops and NO gold and no way to win! This is a BAD JOKE and the 'warzone' people should have flagged this scenario as garbage!

I think most ratings are based off of the settings of a game/scenario played on the map rather than the merits of the map itself. I find this comment is quite hilarious and I assume it was of your doing by making a difficult single player scenario using the map.

Nevertheless, I don't think it fair to rate a map based off a game/scenario that was played on it. I wish people would realize this.


Edited 7/22/2020 01:03:16
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 02:24:30

Level 59
Nevertheless, I don't think it fair to rate a map based off a game/scenario that was played on it. I wish people would realize this.
Have you seen the reviews on the Warzone apps? This game has a huge population of unaware casuals who don't quite get the system. They'll never get around to realizing this. It's the same phenomenon as boomers responding "I don't know" to product questions on Amazon as if they were being asked those questions personally.

Play Store:
RIGGED! Even in early levels, the ai employs overwhelming numbers from multiple directions, which the player cannot possibly acquire to counterattack or adequately defend against. UNINSTALLED!

Games difficulty level rose too quickly, by the third and fourth maps the bots were employing strategies that one would expect out of an experienced player. This made it very difficult to learn and winning was based more on if you were lucky to face an easy bot than actual strategy.

The game is good and worth playing however I feel like the ...Ai.... Computerplayer knows where to move and what to do ... Because it makes its decisions and moves after your move equaling it to know it's best outcome which feels like it'scheating which makes mainly all the levels difficult to beat ...

Some maps are unplayable and the player has to suffer a certain amount of time until it is possible to skip the level. When the number of unplayble levels is too high and the player suffers too much the rating goes down and the game is uninstalled. Very bad game.

The stupiedest game on earth unposble to win . The game outo maticle set you armey summonds per tearn to 3 even thought there was no reason. I was aculy about to put 5 stars then the game just made the outhet compoter cover the hole off me when it covers me.In the toartoral it was easy but as soon a...

Waste of time. All countries are at a constant war with no way to sign a peace treat or form new alliances or develop your country and prepare for war. So the whole game is build army and conquire everything you can

App Store:
Honestly, this is a great game. It is the best one out there I have found of this game style, but it has one major flaw. Each match take too long! Because each move from one territory to another is just a little bit slow. And because there are so many moves, it makes the game way longer than it needs to be. I think the game should implement either a speed up button for both the game history and during turns, or the speed of these moves should be speed up in general. All I want is to be able to play more rounds, but it is difficult when each game takes so long. Thank you.

This tries to be a big boy wargame but it definitely shouldn’t have ditched the “light” monicker. When you set up for the start of the game you pick three areas and so does the AI. What system is in place that arbitrarily pushes you out of the “prime” real-estate in favor of the AI is not quantified. Nor is the system that decides which stack attacks first (second stack is usually the winner). Games feels more like Russian roulette than it does a “strategy” game.

Edited 7/22/2020 02:26:46
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 03:37:03

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
nice gems you dug out knyte
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 03:53:07

Level 61
I noticed, that every time I create a single-player level on a map, people add few negative votes or even reviews on it.
For example https://www.warzone.com/Map/38698-Terra-Mariana went from Average rating: 3.7692 / 5 to Average rating: 3.375 / 5.
Are there any maps you want me to create levels on?
These maps shouldn't have too many ratings, so my interference is not insignificant (this rules out RoR).

Dang, I was wondering why I got terrible reviews and ratings from players that barely, if ever play multi-player.
Until I found your single-player level made on my map that has ONE (and by no other than Lepanto31 himself) win. Too hard? :P
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 05:56:17

Level 62
Those reviews are fantastic lol.
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 09:54:19

Level 57
Nevertheless, I don't think it fair to rate a map based off a game/scenario that was played on it. I wish people would realize this.

I think that certain unexperienced players fail to discriminate between a level/ scenario and a map.
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 09:56:44

Level 57
The level I created on your map, Kratt, even isn't that difficult. It is just a little harder version of "getting commercial".
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 11:06:21

Level 57
Oh yes, it's always fun when you see the rating of your map plummet because someone made a shitty single-player scenario on it.
On the one hand it is of course flattering when someone picks your map to make a scenario on. On the other hand, I wish they wouldn't, because most of them are shitty and lead to bad ratings and curious feedback.

Oh well.
Destroying maps: 2020-07-22 21:50:32

Level 62
Those game reviews are hilare. And sad. Both at the same time.

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