Request: A Mod That Mails Everyone In The Clan: 2020-07-15 15:19:20 |
Level 60
As the number of members in a clan increases, it becomes extremely tiring and difficult to mail everyone individually.
Now clan forums do exist but not all people check it. The harsh reality of the game is that many pc users didn't even know about the global chat thing and I have met lvl 50's who don't know about forums.
Basically mail has a very high reach. Most people read it. I want that I make one mail and it is automatically sent to all the clan members. Basically it would skyrocket activity in certain things and would help the clan management much much easier.
Request: A Mod That Mails Everyone In The Clan: 2020-07-15 15:44:22 |
Level 59
Clan Forum?
Edit: Disregard the rest. I might be wrong about those links supporting multiple IDs. ---- Alternatively you can mail the clan in batches of 20. You know the link you have for mailing a single player? E.G., the one you find by clicking on their profile and clicking "Send Mail"?
You can have up to 20 different user IDs stored in that link. So after that you can just store all these batch-of-20 links somewhere and reuse them when you want to mail the whole clan.
Edited 7/15/2020 15:49:07
Request: A Mod That Mails Everyone In The Clan: 2020-07-15 17:12:58 |
Level 60
batch of 20? how do you do that?!!
Request: A Mod That Mails Everyone In The Clan: 2020-07-15 23:06:39 |
The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
You can select mutliple players.