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Syncing between devices: 2020-07-09 11:14:10

Level 61
So I started playing warzone idle on the app. I played the first 20 minutes of the second level on the app, then switched to browser. After almost completing the level on browser, I noticed a sync button in the app. I was assuming it would sync my app with the browser. Instead, it first did nothing. Then, 15 minutes later it did the opposite thing. The browser is now where the app was; the beginning of the level.
Syncing between devices: 2020-07-09 11:21:58

Level 65
Everyone seems to have an issue with sync.

I was playing the castle level on browser yesterday, then i went on the app.
On the app, I was given the possibility to play the castle level (so the tutorial was registered as completed) but once I clicked on it, I was at the start of the level again, despite having completed half of it on browser already.
Thank god I left quickly and was able to continue playing on browser without any issues, but several people did the same thing and lost their progress.
Syncing between devices: 2020-07-09 11:55:16

Level 63
I was going to try it on PC as well, but I'm not risking losing my progress....
Syncing between devices: 2020-07-09 14:05:46

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Syncing between devices is something I'm still working at tuning. Right now it only saves to the server every 30 minutes, so if you switch devices you could go back in time by up to that amount. If you really want to play on multiple devices, you can force it to save by pressing the Sync button before switching to the other device. On the iOS and Android app, you'll find Sync by pressing the head in the top right corner. On the website, you can force a sync with the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+G.
Syncing between devices: 2020-07-10 07:49:41

Level 62
ACK ... I tried the Sync option on my mobile as I had just a few more squares left in Huruey left, and after about 15 mins, it suddenly threw me back to the level selection screen and reset my progress to the start of Huruey.


I guess it's Beta so can't complain, really.

Edited 7/10/2020 07:50:04
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