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Block invites to games: 2020-04-06 04:13:30

Level 25

I keep getting randomnly invited into custom games that are impossible to win. Every day when I open the game I have like 4-5 of these games that pop-up and it's really weird. Is there a way to avoid getting automatically invited into those games?

Block invites to games: 2020-04-06 04:24:40

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Do the games say "QM"? If so, that's Quickmatch. Look under mutli-player and you'll see the controls for it.
Block invites to games: 2020-04-06 04:29:52

Level 63
Do game names contain the phase “QM” or “Quickmatch”?
If they do-
1) Go to Multiplayer
2) click Quickmatch
3) untick “invite me to multiday games”

Else if contains “tournament” or “ladder” then they are games from an active tournament or ladder you are taking part in.

The only games you get auto-joined are tournament, ladder and Quickmatch. All other game types you are invited to by actual players and not Warzone itself.

If it was a human who invited you, to prevent them from inviting you to their games, add the player to your block list (click name > view full profile > +Block list).

Can you clarify what you mean by “impossible to win”? Include game links.
Block invites to games: 2020-04-06 09:16:56

Battle Master ⚔
Level 57
Block invites to games: 2020-04-08 08:36:34

Level 25
Thanks for the answers
Block invites to games: 2020-04-08 08:47:08

Level 63
@Fizzer so many people have issues with QM auto signing them up to MD games. Wouldn't it be time to instead of just signing them up, give them a pop up were they can choose to enable it or not?
Block invites to games: 2020-04-08 08:51:56

Level 59
If "Invite me to multi-day games" is too complicated to un-tick, pop-up ain´t going to save them.

Maybe just change the default for new players, when first time opening Quickmatch to have disabled Multi-day. I think it was enabled, when I first opened QM window.

Edited 4/8/2020 08:52:58
Block invites to games: 2020-04-08 09:21:57

Level 60
It was added to the FAQ/wiki a while ago (not sure when). But it's a good place to direct new players too

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