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How Many Maps use Issandar's "New Strategic System: 2020-03-14 00:13:47

Level 52
Currently, I have found a total of two maps that use Issandar's "New Strategic System", or "Biomes" for those of you less familiar with older maps. Most recently, I have seen the map "Middle Earth Biomes" come in using this system where having a certain amount of territories within a bonus increase the number of armies you get from the bonus, with some bonuses being worth negative values if you don't control it all. Obviously the other map that I know uses this is from Issandar, an apparently prolific map creator. it Was the Africa "new strategic system" map. I am wondering if there are maps other than Colion's "Middle Earth Biomes" and "Issandars New Strategic System: Africa".

(Sorry, it's Issander, I promise I have accidentally misread that user's name for my entire time on this server and this was not intentional.)

Edited 3/14/2020 00:15:42
How Many Maps use Issandar's "New Strategic System: 2020-03-14 00:30:24

Level 60
QS made a better list.

Edited 3/14/2020 00:39:29
How Many Maps use Issandar's "New Strategic System: 2020-03-14 00:37:48

Corn Silver 
Level 62
There's a few:

3 versions of Africa;
Biomes of America;
Gotham City;
Master Mania;
Europa Magna;
Aklog Island;

Lionheart created most of them (after Issander created the first Africa one), you can find most of them here: https://www.warzone.com/MapsByCreator?p=266922

never heard of the Middle Earth Biomes before

Edited 3/14/2020 00:46:26
How Many Maps use Issandar's "New Strategic System: 2020-03-14 00:45:22

Corn Silver 
Level 62
loool TBest

personally, i think Biomes of America is the best of the lot, it's a work of art, and that's probably the general opinion here too: https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=21051408

although alot of people like Africa, and Gotham is popular on QM like TBest said. Master Mania is considered weak by most. Landria is new and experimental. Don't know if anyone plays Europa Magna, and Aklog Island never took off (it's also not strategic in that the map is symmetrical).

use http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net/ to find example games of some of these templates, although others you'll have to ask for them. just don't let Cowboy convince you to join that ladder ;)

Edited 3/14/2020 00:47:54
How Many Maps use Issandar's "New Strategic System: 2020-03-14 03:25:07

Level 52
Interesting that you don't know Middle-Earth Biomes, it recently became the map of the week.
How Many Maps use Issandar's "New Strategic System: 2020-03-14 08:28:27

Level 63
landria is not inss
Posts 1 - 6 of 6