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Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 08:27:36

NoName 2.1
Level 60
Hi community

after one year playing where every day I try to learn the game at first, search new members (only players without clan icons or just in rare case with inactive clans icon like Armony or Trolls) and organize all internal stuff like tournaments or simply selections for play event like clan cup or clan league, I arrived a conclusion and a idea that I know its real difficoult to realize it.

In these last days a really good clan asked to our member to left our clan for them. For me no problem I think its not a drama. But what about my clan? My time? Before the clan league I have to lose one of our best players? No to much motivating I think.

But if Warzone add virtual currency only for this case? can be any method to make a change? or something like this? not really money for sure but I dont know extra coins to convence other member to come if I have to lost same new mates!

Write here if u like it, its a quite dream for me :d bye all
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 08:32:14

Level 62
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 08:35:30

NoName 2.1
Level 60
its only just a idea to talk a little bit I wrote no drama ;)
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 08:55:40

Level 65
May we sell Joi179?
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 08:57:36

NoName 2.1
Level 60
ajajajaj will be amazing like fifa
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 09:28:24

NoName 2.1
Level 60
yes I know there are alt, trolls its quite impossible but should be amazing :d
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 10:01:00

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Pretty often this is the case. Just search in forums for "poach".

Especially when your clan gets some more attention by having success in some competitions. Or only single players having success in competitions.

Clan League and Clan Cup are surely competions to get attention from other clans as clan and as single player.

I know that it is very frustrating if you have spent time in recruiting players, tought them and then they are away suddenly and play for a different clan.

Recently it was already introduced that you only can invite players if they are not in any clan. Your player left your clan then before he joined the new clan. Though they likely have spoken with each other before.

Hawks has a similar recruiting strategy. Free players only (for now) . Though after and during last Clan League Season I got to know some attempts on poaching Hawks players from different clans. One hand is just enough to count the attempts i know of. All attempts failed, good for us :) . (but I consider to poach back maybe :P)

Though I take it as confirmation for HAWKS stand:
A) has great players, else there wouldnt be attempts
B) have a great comm-unity else the players would have left

To create a stable unity is the best tip I can give to resist poaching.

Edited 11/2/2019 10:12:53
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 10:50:16

master of desaster 
Level 66
Why would i join a clan just because they offer me some ingame currency? You don't own your clanmates. If you spend time to build something up, don't expect there to be some payoff from your efforts or you will surely be disappointed.
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 11:00:24

NoName 2.1
Level 60
@Master of Desaster yes its right I think too because my clanmate refuse the offer it’s my virtual friend they not have luck this time. i really like to much right now the game and I dont have problems if some clan wants our players its normal. There not are rules where say its not correct and I know it. But maybe if u think should be cool too with currency system like football team. All knows that all players play for money but all still the same

@ Lets fight yes I know what u mean. Is not frustrating but yes it is no nice ;) but I know that if I grow up, if I still learn and practice, I will not have problems to search new ones :D

Edited 11/2/2019 11:02:27
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 11:10:19

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
This mostly happens to small/new/growing clans and sometimes even to well established clans; it isn't absurd because players join the clans they like and I get your point of how it affects clan based events, but get used to it. In game currency is already there-coins, but unless you're having tournaments/some competition/ to gift things like membership or premium colors, few hundred coins is good too but not as motivating as a color or membership. Even then there is no compulsion that a player should stay in same clan and he/she can change clans whenever.
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 16:16:44

Level 63
Well, I guess there is not much one can do about this.

Fortunately, your chances of keeping are better if your clan is active has a good community.

How would a game currency help you in any kind of way?
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 16:31:39

NoName 2.1
Level 60
Yes sure @krunx. Will be a different game I think. Not clan fam but official teams and each players haves his rating based of games played, or ranking ladder for example. Like a simple sport game. With contracts maybe but the focus will can change.

And maybe we can't talk about poaching but simple strategy choose. At the end, I spend time for my clan and can help me to not desmotivate me because I have a chance to recruit new one if the player is good because I can reach a currency help to search a new one.

If each clan league give virtual currency to the winners, maybe this idea will be not too absurd
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 16:37:36

Level 61
One can do much about this. Warzone would be a much better place for new clans if 101st didn't try to poach everything that moves in this game. How about train your own players for a change. You pretend that 101st is a place for newcomers to learn and up their game, when that's not even remotely true in the last months.

For those wondering which player from dd was contacted, it is Johnnygoodboy and 101st tried to poach him.
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 16:58:14

Level 62
Well NoName for what its worth I hope your player stays with you. I've had some good clashes with LuFredd players (KaitoS in NC, Samwise in Seasonal Ladder). As a manager of a clan that is trying to grow its profile I understand how frustrating it is butting heads with the established elite in this game.

Plus if what IRise says is true, I would hate to see a good player go to a divisional rival.
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 17:07:22

NoName 2.1
Level 60
Thx @Glass @IRiseYouFall we play with fun :) and we like to much the game. But yes, its difficult to build a clan when others clans wants ur players and u (like a good guy) try to respect all and search only new members :d when I see a icon I never try to ask him to left his clan, always I want to try only to defeat him :d
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 18:08:24

Level 58
M'Hunters has lost all our Italian clanmates to Lu Fredd a while ago :(

Apparently they were part of that initial pizza boys crew who founded Lu Fredd.
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 18:17:47

NoName 2.1
Level 60
All your mates like Taji and kok91 are my best friend since I was 8 years Norman maybe u dont know it we live same city
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 18:30:54

NoName 2.1
Level 60
not to much friendly pizza boys crew but ok ;) hope I can play against u one day but u not play only write
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 18:34:14

Level 58
Well, you state on your clanpage, that you played WarLight infront of a pizza restaurant. It wasn't meant as an insult and I understand why people knowing each other irl want to be in the same clan.

Edit: As for me only writing, that is, including alt accounts, true currently. I have learned pretty much nothing from the about 6000 games played and I find it way more interesting and rewarding to analyze finished games. Speaking about me writing, I have also updated the M'Hunters strategy guide (http://tinyurl.com/MH-strategy-guide) lately with with a section about picks and a section about attacking directly vs flanking as attacker / defender. There is still some writing to be done.

Edited 11/2/2019 18:48:31
Absurd tought: 2019-11-02 18:57:33

Level 63
While an interesting idea, I think anything you do to monetize clans will just end up increasing the competition to steal (poach) the best members.

Unless a penalty of sorts in instituted for leaving or changing clans. That might stop it or at least reduce it. But then that in turn isn't fair to clan members. They should be free to leave. If not, you just create clans with members who don't want to be there, and thus the community will suffer for it.

Kind of reminds me a games where you're done & surrender, but b/c the host used the 'must accept surrender' option, you're forced to keep playing because there is that 1 guy who won't accept. Makes for a bad game thereafter b/c you have people who are no longer committed to the game and just want it to end, aren't really invested in the outcome anymore.

You don't want to have clans that are like that. If someone doesn't want to be there, let them go. If you can't keep them, make a clan that people want to be in.

Now if there is truly a toxic clan that is harming the global clan community, that's a different story, and let's just deal with that separately rather than build a whole new system based around preventing their poaching tactics.
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