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Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 08:24:19

Level 62

Beats me why anyone would feel the need to cheat in a free online game, but some do. Please add to your BLs.

Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 10:23:05

Level 64
You are allowed to form teams on FFA no matter how miserably it may seem.

Edited 10/28/2019 10:27:29
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 10:48:58

master of desaster 
Level 66
But you aren't allowed to use alts in a way that give you an unfair advantage... If they are just friends or 'brothers' it's not against the rules
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 11:05:51

Level 60
Are you allowed to join a 2v2 tournament with you and your alt on a team?
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 11:09:54

Level 62
i thinkso
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 11:26:50

Level 63
In fixed team games (2v2, 3v3, etc.) you can put all your accounts in one team. You're not allowed to spread your accounts across multiple teams. No alternative accounts in FFA games.

If you think someone is breaking the rules, report them using the in-game report button. Rules: https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Rules.
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 17:50:25

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I like how he says FFA means Free For All and gaining an advantage by teaming up via other chat is not allowed.
Ahm.. no. FFA actually only means Free For All true. So everyone can join. I never understood that name tbh. Also everyone can join a 1v1.. But else I am nit aware of any rules in FFA (except of playing with your alt)

Edited 10/28/2019 17:56:48
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 18:46:49

Skaarfungandr the Mighty
Level 58
You're allowed to form alliances in FFAs with other players, not alts of yourself. The latter is equivalent to having alts on both sides of a team game.
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 20:06:36

Level 62
Every single turn saw 1 player commit after 1.20 minutes and the other right on the time limit. Every turn. Also, there is no private chat in the game, which means that chatting on another forum doubles the knowledge for 2 players, as well as the killing power, and does not allow others the same advantage and is therefore cheating, whether it is in the rules or not. Morally, this/these are not people you want playing your games.
Multi-account to BL: 2019-10-28 20:31:06

Skaarfungandr the Mighty
Level 58
yeah, that's fair. I hadn't looked at the time commitments of that game. In every way that game looks like cheating. If they were legitimately in a truce as separate players, they would have turned on eachother as soon as the third last guy surrendered. The lower level account surrendered to give the higher level account the win, without even trying to fight it out - normally you have to take everything from a bad player to make them give up.

Glad you have them up for awareness, whether or not Fizzer gets them. I'm gonna log on all 4 accs just to add these fools to my lists. :D
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