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Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 11:30:26

Level 16
Hi all, relatively new player here have played on and off over the years but once I saw that there was an app I was hooked. I have been joining as many games as I can! Having an absolute blast. Anyway I was wondering if there was a limit on the size of the maps, and if not how come the maps are not any bigger? I feel like with 20-30 players you could use some epic maps. Just some questions and thoughts for my first post :)
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 11:53:55

Level 60
well, right now the biggest map is around 3,000 territories.
You can make bigger maps as I think there is not a territory limit, but you might as well pay someone to make a 5,000 territory map.
If you want to make it, use Inkscape.
I don't think it would be very fun doing the already like 25 steps, then drawing out the map, then the bonuses, then comes territories
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 11:54:19

Level 63
What do you mean by biggest?
Max territories
Max bonuses
Max file size

Map with the most territories so far is https://www.warzone.com/Map/28063-Bubble-Wrap
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 11:55:50

Level 16
hmmm thanks for your reply. Could be a fun little side hobby for sure but definitely sounds like a LOT of work
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 11:56:21

Level 16
I mean territories.
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 11:57:35

Level 60
yep, and I played a game on that map. I think 30 player FFA. Oh was it bad. Add in starting with zero income, wastelands, complete fog, reinforcement cards of 1000+, starting with one hundred armies on each territory, with which you only got one...

Edited 10/4/2019 11:57:48
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 12:00:04

Level 16
That sounds like torture, if a map is that big at-least give it some flavour.
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-04 12:01:28

Level 60
well, the bubble-wrap map is just plain circles

boring old thing
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-07 08:19:41

Level 68

You can filter by number of territories.

In my opinion the biggest maps are just too much. If you go just after them then there are some really well done huge maps
Biggest map possible?: 2019-10-07 08:28:51

Roi Joleil
Level 60
i heard there was a limit in how many bonuses you can have wich does theoreticly limit the number of max territories as you dont want to end up with 100 territories per bonus and / or having a ton of territories being part of no bonus.
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