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A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-17 20:47:43

Level 49
Asperger's syndrome, more recently shortened to ASD, is a developmental disorder that impairs the person's ability to show and communicate emotions. They do not understand social cues, and cannot understand normal human reactions because of their lack of empathy. These things can be learned over time with enough effort. Normal symptoms include, obsessions with things, hypersensitivity, social awkwardness, lack of empathy, excellence in systematizing, and for some, excellence in abstraction. Some cases extend towards creative thinking, while others lean towards concrete thinking. These people can be masterful in introspection and abstract, creative ideals. While others are intensely logical and can be extremely good at mathematics. The majority of diagnosed cases are mix between the two. All cases have shown to be more capable of original thought than average.
There have been shown to be multiple types of Asperger's, which supports the difference in each case. Again, the majority tend to be a mix of each type. This has been proven through medical studies.
The "extreme male brain" theory is a very probable cause for these symptoms. Lack of empathy, obsessions and being hyper-focused, lack of social skills because of said apathy, and being unable to see "the big picture". We are great at details, not so great at seeing the big thing that bind it all together. Asperger brains are very interconnected and use many different parts of the brain to accomplish their abstractions and logical thinking.
The most interesting fact to me is how a mathematically inclined brain tends to be talented with music. I suppose that supports the turbo-autistic theory of how there is math in everything. I am not the best at mathematics, but I guess I see their point, as the research backs it up.
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-17 21:40:11

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Are you trying to prove your manliness via mental condition?

Because if you are, I am more autistic than you!
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-17 21:40:15

The Joey
Level 59
I think I can lend some insight into the math-music thing. I am mathematician/statistician and at one point I was a decent musician as well. I hear people make the point that "mathematically inclined brain tends to be talented with music," quite often. But I think it has to do more with a students underlying background and personality, rather than the two sharing a causal connection.

I think there are two big things here people forget. Learning to play an instrument is typically expensive. Ceteris paribus, people who learn instruments tend to come from wealthier families than those that don't. Kids from wealthier families tend to do better in school (for a variety of reasons,) this simple fact causes most of the spuriously correlations people like to find between music and other academic results. Then there is a second reason, being good at math and music require a similar sort of 'grit' and 'determination.' Both take hours of repetition, and frustration. Both require years of consistent practice to be even half decent. I would speculate that people who lack the 'grit' to do one of these well, probably will lack the grit to do the other. I would also speculate that people with ADHD and ASD tend be good at these 'gritty' activities due to the way they think.
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-17 21:57:28

Level 49
The extreme male brain theory could be a result of too much testosterone. on the flip side, males with aspergers tend to have more feminine facial features than other men, while females with aspergers tend to have more masculine facial features than other women. Most aspies I've met have been pretty sensitive and good-natured. They just got a bad lot in the game of life. Or a good lot. Depends on how you look at it.

Try harder next time, Caocao
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-18 05:16:37

Level 59
@Joey: reminds me of the classic example of Zika babies generating spurious correlations everywhere (e.g., intelligence & life expectancy).
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-18 22:58:59

Level 58
Ceteris paribus
we really are in the aspie thread aren't we
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-19 00:01:24

Level 49
According to natural law: You are a gay
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-25 19:19:51

Level 49
I have lots of theories about asperger's, but I'm afraid most of them are pretty unprovable. Does anyone have a theory that can actually be creditable?
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-26 01:28:21

Level 59
Well I feel like you made a very credible case in this thread for you having Asperger's.
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-26 01:43:04

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
If people with Aspergers were so smart, they would have found a cure for it
Case in point, people with this condition need to not be vilified or given medicine

Why are people obsessed with medicine fixing everything
Like step off, just let nature run its course, you might be holding back psychic or magnetokinises powers

Anyway, it seems like there truly is a conspiracy to wipe out this condition, why are we drugging people, especially boys, especially white boys

If you were in China with this, your parents would be so glad, because you would have a tendency to do math, and that usually means having better job outlooks
But I don't like China, so I won't use this argument

The same people trying to drug boys, are also the same ones supporting early transgender switches, and pot smoking
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-26 18:07:45

Level 49
If dolphins are so smart, why don't they learn how to walk
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-26 19:35:26

Level 59
If you're so smart, why don't you learn how to stop posting?
A case for Aspergers: 2019-09-26 19:43:20

Level 49
Says the NEET
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