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New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 11:49:19

Level 62
The recent single player update indicates that it allows you to skip levels, but I can't figure out how to do it.

A note in a in the single player level map reads, "Frustrated with a level? Try hard and a skip will become available," but no such option has popped up.

Anyone been able to skip a level? Know what I'm doing wrong?

I just want to skip a level that I've failed 6-7 times (and maybe go back to it another day).
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 11:50:20

Level 60
If you win a big enough game with enough points, you can skip a level
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 12:03:46

Level 62
I need to build up points to be able to skip a level?

Are these points specific to single player games? How do I invoke the skip?

I started the level & surrendered right away a few times thinking maybe it was linked to attempts/fails. But sounds like it's more based on success on other levels.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 12:04:39

Level 60
You win the level and you get points and points help you level up. Are you talking about single player or community levels?
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 12:06:39

Level 63
Apparently "the app will detect when you are struggling with a level and give you a skip" but I don't know the requirements for it. Probably if you have lost it a lot of times you will get the skip.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 12:07:42

Level 60
Ohh. I was thinking about you skipping a level like from level 54 to level 56 in the case of leveling up
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 12:08:24

Level 61
I'd guess that if you surrender a few times in a row, you'll get the option to skip.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 12:08:48

Level 60
Yes. I was thinking about leveling up
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 12:28:29

Level 62
I've failed the level ~5-6 times, and since then I've started & surrendered about 8 times hoping to trigger a, "Would you like to skip?" option but it just isn't coming.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 14:35:07

Level 63
Anyone been able to skip a level?

Have yet to see the skip button pop up, but I haven't been stuck on any level till now.

I see you are stuck on Caesar's Challenge, that seems like the first level where many players get stuck! Just focus on expansion and leave the boss for last!
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-19 17:49:30

Level 62
I've watched people's videos and tried to mimic them... but each attempt takes 20+ mins, I've failed about 6 times now and I've just given up and stopped playing SP altogether b/c I don't want to waste anymore time on this bloody level, but if there's a way to skip it, I'd be interested in playing other levels.

I get the concept of beating it, and I've come close a couple times, but the bottom right AI always seems to thwart my expansion just around the tipping point, coming at me with stacks of 50-70 growing to 90-120 as I'm moving from Spain across the top of Africa.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-23 15:42:54

Level 56
I may be a bit late but yesterday I was able to skip Caesar's Challenge. I just had a normal attempt and I was losing to the eastern AI, surrendered around turn 20-25 and the game offered me the opportunity to skip it

Event though I am happy to move on to the next one, I can't help but feel a sense of weakness when I see the red border around this level and the green ones around the other ones
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-24 15:17:14

Level 62
Hmm, not sure why it's not popping up for me.

Agree with you that not finishing it and moving is frustrating, but at this point, I'm so tired of this level that all the fun of single player has been drained entirely & I've just stopped playing it.

Maybe I'll give it another serious attempt and surrender late in the game and see if that makes a difference. I think the last serious attempt I've given it may have been before the update, and have just tried resigning on move 1-5 since then.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-24 19:34:13

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
You can always go back and try to finish it later. There are many forum posts and even Youtube walkthroughs for levels like Ceasar's challenge, so make sure to watch/read a few before trying again.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-26 01:01:29

Level 60
just played caesar's and it finally gave me the option to skip!! I started and surrendered several times (10+) and nothing happened. I played one game through 23 turns and after I lost, it gave me the option to skip. Not sure if this helps anyone, but it's my experience.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-26 01:27:47

unɐq ǝɔuɐɥƆ
Level 51
Well, the only way to skip a level is to try hard until the end and you have a chance to skip that level, based on how I skipped it.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-26 11:08:51

Level 60
4.17.1 update (right after new levels and skip was added)

- Unity: Fixed a bug with level skipping.

IDK what this bug is, but it's possible that some of you ran into it.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-27 04:30:23

Level 62
Oh so maybe you have to actually lose not just surrender ... will give it a shot.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-29 02:49:23

Level 62
Nope, didn't work. I'll file a bug report and see what comes of it.
New single player updates - how to skip a level?: 2019-05-29 02:50:15

unɐq ǝɔuɐɥƆ
Level 51
I am saying that you do not have to lose, you just have to reach the end like turn 30+
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