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Happy Level 60: 2019-04-08 22:11:46

Level 60
Hey everyone,

It's not everyday you get to become level 60. I feel like that first guy that played World of Warcraft and reached this level before anyone else while developing carpal tunnel. Even though he might have lost his wrists in the long run, he was remembered for his accomplishments.

I never thought I'd get here to be honest. I have a lot of people to thank...

Victor-y for inviting me to this game, Jefferspin for never letting me beat him and also telling me I'm not good enough for his clan, MoD for telling me how bad I am when it mattered...Deadman for being able to look at a board and say he's going to win, Jz for winning my Treasure Map 2 pick 2 blockade template, Sephiroth for using both blockades in said tournament on turn 1, Nox for letting me know 1900 on the ladder was bad, DaftPunk for starting one of the greatest clans of all time, Koopa for putting up with it, Min34 for being really good with bear hugs on discord, Sloppy for his love of beer+darts but still outperforms most, Nero for his disdain of anything not logical and speaking his mind always, Plat for being Irish, Jaesar for being the math wizard that helped me understand attack by %, Timi for teaching him, Beren for his respect of my car when I gave him a ride to Fizzer's, Moto for his love of the Knicks, Locke for being the greatest diplo player of all time, Cowboy for being great at Guiroma but better at smoking brisket, Rufus for being the best warzoner of all time, Bane for crowning him the title, mtt for following me around through 3 clans now :), Meldarion for being better at carcassonne than warzone, and Xeno for his patience and great discussions even though he thinks Zion Williamson will have a better career than R.J. Barrett.

Last but not least -- Fizzer for inventing the better Risk and allowing me to post this. If you weren't mentioned here there's good reason. The most likely because I forgot. Here's a tournament that I hope you all will enjoy.




Edited 4/8/2019 22:46:12
Happy Level 60: 2019-04-08 22:31:46

Level 57
Hell ya, man! I'm inching towards ya ☺️
Happy Level 60: 2019-04-08 22:40:17

Level 64
You’re welcome
Happy Level 60: 2019-04-08 22:45:32

Level 60
You're in it now.
Happy Level 60: 2019-04-09 00:20:20

Level 64
This is a lie. You are level 63.

I'll see myself out.
Happy Level 60: 2019-04-09 08:20:48

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
I'll bet a beer I reach 61 before you.
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