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Capping levels: e.g. Level=1214467: 2019-03-09 15:38:14

Flittering Night Beast
Level 12
I have just tried community level 1214467 with default engine
After the third turn I have 0 income for no apparent reason. I should have had Africa 3 SouthAmerica 2 Plus 2 instead I got 0.
The level does not have capping turned on, can someone explain what is causing this or is this a bug? I have seen this on other hard levels as well. What is causing this.
Capping levels: e.g. Level=1214467: 2019-03-09 15:41:23

Level 61
You got sanctioned by the AI
Capping levels: e.g. Level=1214467: 2019-03-09 16:10:34

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
Yeah most of the "hard" levels give the AI an amount of card pieces that causes him to get either a diplo or a sanction card for an amount of turns that no one will ever play through :p
Capping levels: e.g. Level=1214467: 2019-03-10 03:03:36

Sir John Suckling
Level 17
I thought Farah was making a joke by the AI sanctioning. That was hilarious. It's even more funny if it's true.
Capping levels: e.g. Level=1214467: 2019-03-10 18:19:07

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Play another Level. I have 90 attempts in this one, and I wasn't even Close to winning :(
Capping levels: e.g. Level=1214467: 2019-03-11 01:03:05

Roi Joleil
Level 60
why are you calling the scenario "1214467" and not simply by its... naamee *SHOCK*
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