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WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 16:45:29

Level 61
Is it me or the number of stallers has increased a lot lately?

Like almost every opponent that i have recently faced in the 2v2, 3v3 and seasonal ladder waits 2 days and 23 hours and 30 mins to do his turn, while they are online 8 or more hours a day.

This is extremely annoying and there should be done sth for these guys. They truly have 3 days to do their turn, but if you play wz as if you work full time here, I don't see why you need to wait until the very few last minutes.

These are my 2 cents.

WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 16:48:46

Level 56
Yeah, it is crappy. Banked boot time?
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:01:19

Level 58
It is just people being selfish, it's normal to want to bide time. In college I wait until the last minute to do assignments for example. Truth is people don't care about your feelings, they care about their convenience.
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:04:22

Level 68
Poor thread, go and play 1 day boot games
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:13:25

Super Smoove 
Level 61
I'm assuming this is because of "taking forever" on turn 1 of our 3v3 game

We're not even ranked and have like 3 completed games, so we're clearly not stalling for rating points. I generally play slowly because I put everything off until the last minute and wait until I either have the time to focus on the game or until I have no choice to. This isn't news to anyone who has ever played with me.

In particular for this most recent turn, I needed chris to change a move but he was asleep for the ~8 hours after I suggested the move change. We're given 3 days (and not just 1 day) for a reason; I intend to use them as best allowed by my and my team's free time and my ability to analyze a game position, as well as especially in a team situation, a time where we all can be online and discuss moves.
You're free to complain if we're dragging out a lost game but it's picks and turn 1; calm the fuck down.

Edited 11/11/2018 17:14:25
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:21:01

Level 58
^ This is my point

When you wait until the end you experience what's known as positive stress, where you have more motivation and commitment to get something done.
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:28:09

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Im just as bad. I'll play like 3 games rt, get bored, and play the rest 2d20hrs.
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:35:28

Super Smoove 
Level 61
ps please tell your ladder partner jack to surrender his coin game against me; he's down 31-14 income and has had no way to win for the past ~4 turns. I don't like when people keep playing/stall out lost games, but I also don't go and make threads complaining about it, but since the topic came up I just figured I should mention it.

Edited 11/11/2018 17:36:46
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:41:57

Level 61
why aren't you taking 2 days and 23 hours (or more) to write a reply? you are given a lifetime to think for a comeback and surprisingly you need only a few mins now.

You're free to rage as much as you want over a thread, but please take your turns faster; also calm the fuck down.

and this thread is not only about you, it's also about all stallers like dutch desire and miego and anyone else. the list is too long to list them all here
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:47:40

Level 59
Don't forget me!
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 17:50:25

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
Yeah frick off WubbluGee stallers. I hate U
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 18:03:56

Super Smoove 
Level 61
I don't need 2d23h to respond to this because I fucking love debating and you gave me a platform to make you look silly, so I happily took the opportunity.

Ranting about people taking 2d20h+ on turns is not going to get you anywhere. People are free to move whenever they wish within the 3 days they're allotted. It's a baked in part of the ladder system

The only issues with "stalling" come when

a. A game is lost and someone continues playing despite 0 chance of winning.
b. A player is taking an intentionally long time in a lost game so as to preserve rating points at a ladder run.
c. A player is taking an intentionally long time so as to activate tiebreak mechanisms in seasonal.

The first is problematic because if a game is over, the opponent is potentially gridlocked from being able to add an additional game and slows down tournaments. It's also really petty and stupid in a competitive game of winning and losing.

The second is problematic because it games the rating system and doesn't accurately reflect a player's skill if they're picking and choosing which games to complete and which not to.

The third is problematic for the same reasons as the second, except with the added risk of trophy glorification (or even just placement in final, immortalized standings) going to someone perhaps less deserving.

Playing until 2d20h consistently is literally part of what is being allotted to you by the ladder. Play RT games or 1d boot games if this is a problem for you. In many cases, particularly team cases, there are only limited windows where players can communicate with their teammates.

Additionally, players are free to spend less time on the game. My being online frequently doesn't mean I want to be spending all of it thinking about warzone. I have a job. If I have 30 ongoing games of 3 day boot times with 10 deadlines a day, I can either: make ~10 moves in ~10 games every day, or make 30+ moves in ~30 games every day. There are plenty of people, myself included, who just really don't want to play that much warzone all the fucking time. I'd much rather do the 10 games I'm forced to and choose a few others that are either simple or are interesting enough to warrant earlier attention that I feel reasonably comfortable locking in. It lets me play in various games over a period of time rather than just stick to a smaller spread of games and is much more interesting to me.

I'm also able to look at games with fresh eyes if I am able to play them later. Even if boot is 2 days away, I'll tend to look at most games I'm in just to see if anything jumps out at me strategically. Playing later isn't a symptom of me wanting to piss off my opponent; it's the end of a process of looking at games at various points.

There's also something to be said about being motivated by deadlines and not having to give a shit until later.

tldr deal with it, it's part of the game. you're free to complain when someone is being a dick in a lost game or trying to inflate their ladder rank but you've really got nothing else otherwise

Edited 11/11/2018 18:06:40
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 19:01:46

Level 64
Smoove is stalling against me too
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 21:09:02

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I need to find a coin for this.
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 22:08:35

Level 56
It's hilarious and sad that all these elitsts like SuperSmoove are defending this.

If you don't really care about a game, don't join the game. But if you're online every day and have less than 20 games then take your turn everyday, very simple.
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 22:28:08

Super Smoove 
Level 61
i didn't realize that in order to care about a game, i must make a move once every day

i must have missed that in the manual
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 22:45:40

master of desaster 
Level 66
I wonder wheter the ethics panel will allow WG to participate next cl after these reveals
WG Stallers: 2018-11-11 22:55:36

Level 65
Don't underestimate WG, they are already stalling the ethics panel.
WG Stallers: 2018-11-12 08:35:04

Level 62
This isn't stalling, this is a thread complaining about slow play. These are two different issues except your issue has a simple issue, play shorter boot time games.
WG Stallers: 2018-11-12 09:39:05

Level 61
I can confirm Smoove is a staller
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