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We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 02:11:44

Level 59
Well, we all know that prod 2.0 is really weak, and I understand there is a reason for this, but read the whole thing before commenting. It's not the worst thing, but it is very below average in skill level. The bot basically attacks neutrals every turn, ignoring the actual opponents, and it never even attacks the actual enemy until the they're the only target left to attack. It's so bad that when a player gets booted in a game, it's basically a 2v3v1, because all the AI does is expand as if it's droning in an FFA.

The AI does virtually nothing to help the team that it is on, so once a player on a team gets booted it's basically over and the only option is voting to end or accepting a loss. So I have a proposal. We need a stronger option, but it shouldn't be too strong, because we don't want to reward players for getting the boot. So instead, we need to code an AI that actually knows how to attack the enemy, but is too stupid to attack efficiently.

So I propose we should create a bot that can be used as an option in games (not as the default bot), but as an option in settings. The bot would play very bad, but not too bad, not like Prod 2.0 but more like Wensink. It will actually know how to attack opponents, but it will have no idea what it means to hit with priority, or delay. If we can code a bot that plays like Wensink or any other slightly below average player, then there would be no need to vote to end in team games anymore once someone turns AI.

Thank you for reading and if you agree on my idea of a slightly better bot like a Wensink bot for settings, tell me below

Edited 11/8/2018 02:30:12
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 02:28:37

Level 58
I support this message, and as a demonstration of the AI's complete lack of skill someone should use a pure-autopiloted alt on the 1v1 ladder. #trustfizzer
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 04:20:09

Level 60
I agree but s9meone needs to code it. Fizzer won't do it, he considers the AI fixed. You're welcome to develop it, the code is open source

We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 04:40:21

Level 62
the Ai also cannot Use cards, making it take turns longer If you are in a team with AI and you have each got part of a bonus
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 05:38:28

Level 60
the Ai also cannot Use cards, making it take turns longer If you are in a team with AI and you have each got part of a bonus

AI can use card. However in team games with humans, it doesn't since the human player can use them better. Also, the AI would commit first, thus always getting the card.

Part of the issue of making an AI, is the wide range of settings it must support in some way. It's quite a big task. It's probably better to be hoping for some mod's AI's, that only work on some given settings. That being said, beating Norman's AI is not that easy. (It's in Autopilot). If you get a Membership, you can also play against it or any other bot using the AIServerBot account. (I think you need M at least). So it's possible to get ANY AI to play in any game, but only one AI in each game.

Edited 11/8/2018 05:39:31
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 06:27:58

Level 60
If i remember correctly, Norman was complaining that one of Fizzer's requirements is that the AI cannot store any history, so it has to evaluate every turn in the moment. this makes it weaker strategically.

That being said i would love it if a couple of us worked on a new AI

Edited 11/8/2018 06:28:39
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 06:36:01

Level 60
If i remember correctly, Norman was complaining that one of Fizzer's requirements is that the AI cannot store any history, so it has to evaluate every turn in the moment. this makes it weaker strategically.

This is true I believe. However this is not the case for mods anymore :O It's possible to store as well as get history when using mods.

That being said i would love it if a couple of us worked on a new AI

Maybe we should set up an AI competition, using mods? ...with a WZ coins prize?
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 08:09:43

Level 59
The AI can use (some) cards. I don't know how many times I've had a booted (allied) player replaced by an AI only to have it attack all along our common border and then play a diplomay card, preventing me from reacquiring any lost territories for several turns. It can be quite costly in a game like big USA where a particular border territory can apply to several large bonuses.
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 08:18:57

Level 58
Do AIs work again? I wanted to write a competitive muliattack AI a whole ago but I couldn't connect.
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 09:08:33

Level 64
@Norman, you need to import some files, because github script is out of date. I needed to test something like 6-12 months ago, so I made it to work right.
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 09:21:38

Level 63
given a stronger AI you will have the problem that the AI being stronger then a lot of players. That would be kind of absurd that a teammate booting was an adv.

Edited 11/8/2018 09:22:03
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-08 15:04:59

Level 62
In CL, I actually wanted players to boot because the AI could make insanely good games due to its random nature.

It's decided games on the highest competitive platform on the game. For me the AI is too strong based on these experiences.

I'm not sure if it's the same version tho.
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-11 14:42:38

It is Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon
Level 5
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-12 06:46:03

Level 57
2.0 is an improvement of 1.0

I would imagine there is a 3.0 in work, but also, Fizzer highly promotes users to create their own AIs, and I believe we have had WZ tournaments featuring user AIs.
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-12 13:43:01

Level 60
There's no 3.0 in progress
We need a stronger AI: 2018-11-13 02:14:05

Level 63
AI > Hellas
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