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UJS client issue: 2018-11-01 19:02:33

Level 61
I have been trying UJS mode lately. It is pretty nice. My biggest beef is that when you hit PLAY, it shows deployments and moves very oddly (simultaneously). I want to see EACH order happen, slowly, so that I know move order, can count leftovers, etc. This method of showing orders happens is basically unplayable. Please give us an option to alter that somehow.

UJS client issue: 2018-11-01 19:11:35

Level 60
You seem to have posted in help. Help is for "Ask questions about how Warzone works. Newbie-friendly!"

Should have gone for general and/or user-voice.

Personally, I really like the new way of showing moves. For almost all my use cases that is better. That being said, there is nothing wrong with making the old style an option. Through, if I want to go slow, I use the arrow keys typically.

Edited 11/1/2018 19:12:53
UJS client issue: 2018-11-01 19:23:09

Level 63
Assuming you're using the app, not browser:

  • Click on the profile icon in the top right
  • Click Settings
  • Uncheck Group Deployments and uncheck Group Attacks/Transfers

Edited 11/1/2018 22:01:33
UJS client issue: 2018-11-01 19:45:02

Level 60
Click on the profile icon in the top right

I don't think that icon is on any UJS page. So I don't think you can do it for UJS.
UJS client issue: 2018-11-01 20:04:17

Level 61
You seem to have posted in help. Help is for "Ask questions about how Warzone works. Newbie-friendly!"

Should have gone for general and/or user-voice.

Who peed in your Cheerios? Obviously I am asking for alternatives, whether they are in place or not.
UJS client issue: 2018-11-01 20:09:50

Level 61
I didn't even realize User Voice was still a thing. It felt pretty much ignored anyway (he has his own roadmap).

Like this one: https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features/suggestions/1142113-add-a-friends-list-subset-to-the-invite-list

Hundreds have voted for it. It isn't very complicated I don't think, assuming you limit the amount of lists. Yet it took 5 years to get a response to it, and it isn't done after 8 years.

I didn't really want to wait 5 years to get a solution to my problem. Usually people on here can give a decent alternative.
UJS client issue: 2018-11-02 00:41:57

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Lol, who peed in your Cheerios Chris.
UJS client issue: 2018-11-28 04:26:24

The Last Kiss
Level 55
Uservoice has always been garbage. Fizzer has acknowledged most players use the app only, and don't even visit the website. Those that visit uservoice are a minuscule %. They way to request changes needs to be significantly more integrated into the site than uservoice is for it to be useful.
UJS client issue: 2018-11-29 04:58:28

Level 64
You can use Cheerios as little targets you help your aim while you pee.
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