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Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 14:51:44

Level 57
Season XXXIII is finally over and we have a victor! ===> https://www.warzone.com/LadderSeason?ID=4032

NOMERCY!!! ==========================> https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9859154536

Solid victory, by over 100 points. Your games were very well played, I enjoyed watching them, and I hope to see you next season, although we know you don't really care that much ;)

Edited 10/19/2018 14:54:25
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 14:54:13

Level 59
He is one of the best. :)
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 20:40:09

The Joey
Level 59
I don't know if you can really call it a "solid victory" looks like he held second for about a 2 day period, one time. Kinda seems like he under performed. :P
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 22:09:22

Level 59
Possible Warzoner of the year??? πŸ‘€
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 22:16:17

Level 64
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 23:02:00

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Too bad you couldn't play a couple of those games to elimination to prolong it :(

Also I would like to shout out smoove who went 19-1, but finished 10th behind a 5 loss Jz.
Seems unfair someone was potentially robbed of a chance at first because of when someone joined the ladder.

Edited 10/19/2018 23:04:59
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 23:18:24

Level 63
Smoove did a great job but his matchups were much easier than NoMercy. He (nomercy) actually did the opposite of stalling, and played gunho, trying to get the strongest matchups possible by winning his games as quickly as possible, and that is why he was able to get many higher points than Smoove. Seasonal only lasts 2 months so why would someone who joined late get the same opportunity...
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 23:21:35

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
The joke was more referring to his past, https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=13795372, not his performance in the seasonal which was fine. I do not feel someone with a 19-1 record should be so low though, regardless of playing speed.

Edited 10/19/2018 23:23:17
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 23:24:02

Level 62
Smoove also played slowly in the sense he played some turns near the 3-day mark. It's the risk you take when you play slow, you will get weaker match-ups and you won't really challenge for top 3 spots lets say unless you virtually win all of them.
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 23:29:34

Level 57
it's not about the speed its about the matchups. better speed means better matchups sure, but bottomline NoMercy gets a lot more merit because his games were harder, and the point system awarded him for that

that game has nothing to do with seasonal but i dont think you get the right to pull that card anyways >.<

his achievement was great and to begrudge is seems unfair, and a little petty. maybe its because he isnt in lynx anymore, which is even more unfair. actually, have you ever called out a clanmate for stalling? lol
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 23:41:58

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Irdc about stalling, it's too objective, it's playing to elimination and his attitude towards others afterward.
No mercy was in lynx when I wasn't around, so idk why'd I care.

Edited 10/19/2018 23:49:19
Congratulations!: 2018-10-19 23:43:02

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
I understand the matchup things, I don't think it's fair he's so far down though. Deserved top 5 at least.
Congratulations!: 2018-10-20 01:28:09

Level 62
" Notable Victories
Date Opponent Best Rank Current Rank Link
10/3/2018 Maschder 23rd 24th 16415750
9/26/2018 Menda 4th 26th 16459130
10/11/2018 max™ 4th 28th 16444988 "

His highest win was against somebody 23rd.

The idea that he got top 10 without beating anyone inside the top 20 would suggest that it was unfair on the other players ranked below him in the 10-20 bracket, who actually defeated players within top 20.

So I definitely don't think the argument should be if Super Smoove deserved top five, perhaps not even top 10 considering this statistic. Yes, it's good consistency though it's against poor opponents (if we're talking about being top 5 potentials).
Congratulations!: 2018-10-20 08:24:49

Level 61
Congratulations!: 2018-10-20 08:33:27

Level 61
Congratulations NoMercy! There is no doubt, you deserved winning this seasonal.

Concerning Smoove / other players joining the seasonal late:
As far as I am aware there has not been any stalling or any other attempt of manipulation. So in the end of the season these ratings don't lie. All players are ranked where they deserve to be ranked. The only question is if all players had the same opportunity for a good finish. Looking at Smoove's match ups that is obviously not the case. If you join late you will receive weaker opponents unfortunately. I don't really know if it is possible to change that though. And you have to mention that Smoove joined super late. He finished his first game mid of September and wasn't ranked before end of September. To that time NoMercy was already rated 3500+. Last games for the players that joined regularly at the start of the season were distributed September, 22nd I believe. You can't really expect to get good match ups if you join when most players have finished 15+ games already and are rated 3000+.
Congratulations!: 2018-10-22 18:37:28

Level 61
Congrats NoMercy!

Proud we had 2.5 in top 10 (counting almost as 1/2).

I don't know if Cowboy was complaining about the rating system (it is clear Super Smoove didn't have hard matchups like other people did). It is unfortunate that joining late dooms your chances though. That is been displayed in MANY seasons. I think we should focus on that, and not whether the people deserve their rating. I am not sure you can do much about people joining later.

Honestly, I think the season could use better marketing. It feels like most seasons are sort of just thrown out there and we have no idea what is coming. Fizzer's busy, so it isn't a complaint. I think Beren's efforts lately should help (trying to pre-plan templates). It would also be nice if an announcement was worked into the mobile app. I, like most people probably, spend about %90 of their Warzone time on the mobile app (and discord for chat) and rarely come to the website/forums these days.
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