cycle: 2018-09-04 15:29:36 |
Level 61
Is it possible to show again the order in witch the cycle is executed? Would save me a lot of time remembering who goes when (;
Edited 9/4/2018 17:17:48
cycle: 2018-09-04 15:45:04 |
Level 63
Have you tried using the history feature? Game>History/Menu>History or G/Home/End on the keyboard.
cycle: 2018-09-04 16:03:47 |
Level 61
yup, but in earlier versions of the game, it showed on the left side in what order de cycle was executed every turn.
Edited 9/4/2018 16:16:28
cycle: 2018-09-04 16:05:07 |
Level 61
For No-Luck Cycle, Menu -> Cycle Order or something For cycle only, it has never been possible as the cycle is not know to the player (unless they figure it out)
cycle: 2018-09-05 04:01:16 |
Roi Joleil
Level 60
"yup, but in earlier versions of the game, it showed on the left side in what order de cycle was executed every turn."
This is still there but it only shows you that in *no lucky cycle* and not in *cycle*. to figure out the cycle in *cycle* you can figure it out by looking if your opponent had first deployment or attacking / transfering order. if that is he has first order on either even or uneven turns depending on what that was. tho if priority cards are in the game he may just used on of them.