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Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 18:33:56

Level 58
What are you using right now to browse warzone? Are you on a phone or computer? Which do you prefer to use when you're at home, and why?

When I was really little, everyone used the internet on computers, as it was the only real option. Smartphones are a fairly recent invention. I first started using the internet back in the early 2000s, before phones really had internet, but once internet improved on mobile, people started to use phones for their internet more than actual computers.

Maybe this is because phones are more versatile, more portable, and more essential, overall? The main problem I see with phones however is that multi-tasking on the internet is much more challenging. You can't just switch between many tabs effortlessly, and you can't play games the same was on a phone as you can on a computer.

It seems everyone has a phone, but many people don't have computers. When I ask people why, often they say they can't afford one or they broke their computer and never got a new one. I'm curious if anyone here has similar stories.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 18:38:58

The Last Kiss
Level 55
I know far more people without smartphones than without computers. I know virtually no one without a computer, but I know many older people who don't have smartphones.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 18:39:52

Level 58
Opposite experience for me. Here it seems everyone has a phone.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 19:01:50

The Last Kiss
Level 55
Most everyone here has phones, sure, but not necessarily smartphones.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 19:07:06

Level 58
Which are you currently using and why?
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 19:32:26

Level 64
I’m on a computer

Sent on my iPhone
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 19:39:28

Level 59
I use both to give Fizzer all them ads.
- downvoted post by IRiseYouFall
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 20:09:03

Level 58
Literally everyone is carrying their smartphone with them whenever I'm walking around my college campus. The only people I don't see carrying a phone with them are some of the older people, like staff and whomever.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 20:09:03

Level 58
Literally everyone is carrying their smartphone with them whenever I'm walking around my college campus. The only people I don't see carrying a phone with them are some of the older people, like staff and whomever.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 20:30:32

The Last Kiss
Level 55
"about the topic, nowadays, more people have smartphones than computers, so The Last Kiss you are wrong. you seem to not know a lot of people "

Are you going to cite sources, or just talk out your ass?

Even in America laptops and desktops are owned by more people than smartphones, and in developing countries that is true to a much larger extent as they tend to rely on older technology, and if they have internet it still tends to be dialup or satellite, not 4G LTE, etc.

Edited 8/19/2018 20:40:20
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 20:40:06

Level 48
>uses anecdotal evidence
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 20:41:20

The Last Kiss
Level 55
Stating something based on anecdotal evidence is fine, correcting it without sources is quite another matter.

He's also wrong. Demonstrably so.

Smartphones popularity is definitely increasing, but they have not eclipsed desktop or laptop ownership. Old people are more likely to own desktops, as are people in poor nations.

Smartphones do have a larger market share on the internet as a whole, but there's lots of places where internet access is rare, and a computer without internet access is a lot more useful than a smartphone that lacks internet usage. The entire benefit of a smartphone over a non-smartphone is largely due to its internet connection.

77% of American adults own a smartphone, desktop/laptops are over 85%.

There's a gigantic difference between stating something as fact, and stating that someone else is wrong, acting smug about doing so, and not actually proving that they're wrong.

Edited 8/19/2018 20:50:19
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 20:47:29

Level 64
I have a smart phone. :)
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 20:51:45

Level 48
People my age who don't own a smartphone have an instant appeal to me
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 21:11:25

Level 63
Smartphones are computers. Sounds more like Smartphone Vs Desktop/Laptop.

I use a mix of both for home use; mostly laptop. If I intend on being in one place for a while, I will go on my laptop, otherwise I will use my smartphone. I choose laptop because it has a bigger screen and is easier for me to type. I can make better and faster turns on laptop because I don't need to zoom in or out frequently to see the whole game clearly and I take advantage of hotkeys. I only use my smartphone when I have no choice.
If I'm away from home, I mostly use my smartphone as it is more portable than my laptop. Because of this, it is easier for me to travel due to not having as much baggage. Smartphones can send and receive calls and messages without the use of third-party apps even if you're not connected to the internet, so you can contact others easily and they can also contact you.

Mostly everyone I know has a desktop or laptop and a smartphone as well as other gaming platforms.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 21:13:42

Level 58
"77% of American adults own a smartphone, desktop/laptops are over 85%."

I'm thinking that age groups separate these percentages quite a lot, leaving quite a remarkable disparity.

For example let's take the average person between the ages of like 12 and 25 (so we've got Generation Z and Millennials), or any arbitrary range of just kids and young adults. I'm guessing that far more people within these age ranges are maining phones for all-purpose use, even when they're home, instead of computers. Ownership is also one thing, but preferential use is another. Many people are putting down their laptops, even when they have laptops, in favor of their phones due to their portability and ease of use.


Smartphones are computers, yes, I was tempted to mention that fact in my first post too. They were initially used primarily to make calls and possibly to text?, but they have been improved upon so much to the point of basically being small computers. It feels disingenuous even referring to them as phones now. I love my iphone, but it's not even shaped like a phone used to be and I find myself texting on it far more than calling.

Edited 8/19/2018 21:25:02
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 22:03:25

The Last Kiss
Level 55
Smartphones are useful, but they're not going to replace desktops or laptops necessity of use any time in the near future.

PC's are far more powerful, they have far bigger screens, and they have superior methods of input. Smartphones are great for things that don't require a proper PC due to their portability, but they're never going to be superior at a large portion of tasks in large part due to their smaller screen size and lack of mouse+keyboard as input devices - even if they do become powerful enough to handle such tasks.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 23:28:28

Level 64
People my age who don't own a smartphone have an instant appeal to me

Ok cool.
Internet: Phones Vs Computers: 2018-08-19 23:41:32

Level 48
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