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What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 15:01:58

Darth Kitty
Level 59
If I write a thread that is stupid horseshit am I a troll or just a shitposter or both?
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 15:47:14

Level 48
A troll is someone who deliberately stirs up controversy. A shitposter is someone who deliberately makes low quality posts to annoy people.
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 15:54:32

Darth Kitty
Level 59
If that is the case then there are many shitposters on these forums, and few actual trolls, I think.
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 16:44:50

Level 61
get a job or a hobby or both...
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 16:48:36

Darth Kitty
Level 59
I have a lot of hobbies. Do you pointlessly insult people often?
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 17:33:26

Level 60
A bit reversed, but usually those are the usages I find common:

Troll: Someone who posts with the intent to insult, make fun of, harass or in any other way affect a user negatively for the sake of fun, be it his own or someone else's.

Shitposter: Someone who posts content that is just downright silly or not particularly funny innately, but might find itself being funny to some, due to circumstances, inside jokes (i.e. memes) or self-deprecation.
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 17:37:17

Level 58
You're right Zephy.

I think that people who are shitposting have a less common sense of humor, so to some it's funny, but to the majority it isn't.
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 17:42:31

The Last Kiss
Level 55
Trolling is posting with the intention of eliciting an emotional response.

People grossly misuse the term, it's not at all the same as insulting, harrassing, etc.

If I made a thread asking for dating advice and told you all that I have a crush on a girl but that I stutter every time I'm around her and that I called her and left her voicemails 72 times yesterday and that I don't know why she's avoiding me and that it's breaking my heart and I'm considering taking my life if she won't respond I'd be trolling. I wouldn't be insulting anyone.

It's originally a fishing term: Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water.

It's online use is similar, it's about baiting people to respond in a specific manner.
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 19:04:22

Level 48
I originally defined trolling as deliberately stirring controversy but let me redefine this as a malicious, or rather an effective troll. Benevolent trolls that just waste people's time aren't what people usually have in mind when they use "troll."

A bad troll would post that story on the warzone forums and gain some sympathetic responses. An effective troll would modify that story and insert sexism into it and post it on a political forum where people would care about such things, and start a big argument involving much more people than just the OP, possibly with the OP entirely absent after the first post.

The goal of trolling is to incite an emotional response. Wasting people's time or tricking them into believing something is really happening when it isn't falls short of that goal. You can bait someone to respond predictably, but if their response isn't emotional then it doesn't count as trolling.
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 19:18:16

Level 63
Oh my god this nerd.
- downvoted post by The Furious Logan
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 20:04:51

Level 48
Everyone reads downvoted posts so you're good
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 20:35:55

Level 59
Logan, me asking you to stop inviting me to games isint a troll or harassment.

Then I blacklisted you so you would stop and you got upset and ended your stream. So I don’t know what to tell you.
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 20:47:15

The Last Kiss
Level 55
If anything I'd consider inviting someone to games repeatedly after they ask you not to to be a form of minor trolling. You're basically trying to get them to blacklist you or go off on you so you can then paint yourself as the victim.

I agree to some degree with wulfhere, except that there's really not "benevolent" trolling. There's just trolling for humor sake to see if you can get people to buy your bullshit story as actually being reality, and then trolling with the intention of being malicious, but it seems wrong to suggest that one is "better" or more "effective" than the other inherently.

If I got 20 pages of response from people offering me dating advice and trying to persuade me to not kill myself I still just as effectively got the reaction I desired as the other guy - we were just striving for different outcomes.

People for some reason though have started labeling any form of "problematic behavior" online as being a trollish, and that's just not remotely the case. If I tell you to go fuck yourself in a games chat after you beat me, I'm not trolling you, I'm just being an asshole.

Wulfhere however is definitely right about the goal being to involve as many people as possible, and to have the debate take off on its own without the need for the OP to force it to.

ie. I could post on some forums and say that I suffer from a chronic need to masturbate multiple times per day, and ask what I should do about it (if anything), and potentially get people telling me it is fine to masturbate, and get other people telling me masturbation is wrong, and then have those people get into an argument with each other on the topic without me needing to be any further involved.

Edited 8/14/2018 20:51:00
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 20:52:13

Level 63
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 20:56:25

Level 63
Yeah I’m glad votes are weighted.
- downvoted post by The Furious Logan
- downvoted post by The Furious Logan
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 21:22:53

Level 58
What kind of retarded logic makes you believe that votes should be weighted in favor of the creator of a post?

Who the fuck downvotes their own post? No one. You don't give all the power to those who are assured to be the most biased.

Edited 8/14/2018 21:23:32
What is a troll on Warlight?: 8/14/2018 22:20:06

Darth Kitty
Level 59
Why thank you krunx. xD
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