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Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-05-19 19:43:11

Level 58
We have open spots for new players, just leave a message in this thread or contact me personally.
I'm usually quicker at responding on discord then the forum thread or ingame mail system. My discord tag is Waka#9047.

The Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League is a seasonal group of round-robin tournaments, always on the “Small Earth” map with standard settings. At the end of each season, the top players of each group are promoted to the next group above. Bottom players are relegated to the next group below. Middle players remain in the same group.

All Tournaments will be starting on June 3rd 20:00 CEST

This season is made up of five groups with 10 players (A-E).
Depending on new players group F might become 2 groups in total. If Group F player count stays on 15 or lower then we will do with just 1 group F but if we get more then 15 in F we'll be adding a 2nd group. Both Group F tournaments will be capped at 15 participants though.

No rules are changed from last season.

Links for the tournaments of this season:

Group A: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=25352
Group B: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=25353
Group C: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=25354
Group D: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=25355
Group E: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=25356
Group F: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=25357

You can get all the tournament links and league history for last season by checking out the thread from Season 13:

Edited 5/20/2018 09:32:52
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-05-19 19:43:17

Level 58


The Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League is a seasonal group of round-robin tournaments, always on the “Small Earth” map with standard coin settings. At the end of each season, the top players of each group are promoted to the next group above. Bottom players are relegated to the next group below. Middle players remain in the same group.

The league is meant to appeal to players who want to see, over the course of several seasons, where their natural level of competition might take them. For new, skilled participants, this means patience in getting to the levels where they will be challenged. Hopefully, that is part of the fun. The idea is to see how quickly you can progress, how long you can stay high, or how long it takes to stop a skid.


The league is run with a balance of predictability and flexibility. Final decisions are made by the league administrator with an attempt to consider input of league players.

The model will ideally be to have the top three promote and the bottom three relegate but there are exceptions. Where there is a default – a player becoming inactive or asking to bow out of the league – there can be more promotions and less relegations to fill in the vacancy. Where this happens in several groups there can be a lot of shuffling. The principle, though, is to usually have at least one player from each group relegated. Several retirements means fewer relegations and possible super-promotions to keep the groups filled.

Players are kicked from the league if they have 3 or more boots in a season, or 2 boots in two consecutive seasons, unless they provide a really good reason for the boots. Kicked players can only return as a new player in the bottom group.
Vacations are honoured, however, any player taking more than 3 vacations in a single season will be kicked from the league and can only return in future season as a new player in the bottom group.

Placements in a round-robin are determined by number of wins. In the event of a tie, placements are determined by head-to-head results among the tied. Occasionally, there are loops of ties that cannot be resolved by the head-to-head rule. If this is the case, ties will be broken by the following (in order of preference):

1: No. of Boots. Boots is penalized in resolving ties not solved by the head to head rule. Booted players are moved to the buttom of the tie, and head-to-head is applied again between players with the same amount of boots.
2: Overall win/loss ratio. (The total wins of each player you defeated versus the total wins of each player you lost against). It comes down to the number of wins by the players that a player have won against. Note Head-to-Head reapplied after, if this solves the tier for some but not all.
3: Tie-break tournament. (Unless such a tournament would cause lengthy delays for the league)
4: Average turn-speed (Last resort. only if a tie-break tournament fails to resolve the tie, or would take too long to complete)(where a tie-break tournament has resulted in another tie, average turn speed within the tie-break tournament will be used to split the tie)

Anyone can join the league, members and non-members alike, simply by request in the most recent “Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League” forum thread. New players begin in the bottom group or in an expansion group. Promotions from expansion groups depend on numbers within the new groups.

Before the beginning of each season, a summary of the movements will be announced to allow for questions or corrections. The league works most smoothly if those who wish to bow out let the administrator know before the new season begins instead of simply declining to play after the groups have been determined and tournaments begun.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-05-19 19:43:25

Level 58
History of the league

Organizors in the past:
huddyj seasons 1-8
Master Bjarke seasons 9-13

no. of top finishes
        	Wins	Runner ups
huddyj   	4	1
AI      	3	0
Hades   	2	0
Buns157  	1	1
Arkanton	1	1
gogo2711	1	0
Hunta           1       0
Master Bjarke	0	3
PanagiotisTheGr	0	2
iNsAnE   	0	1
Bonsai  	0	1
Green Turtle	0	1
Juan            0       1
Baer            0       1

AI just won his 3rd season with a 5-2 record tieing with Baer but having H2H over him

League titles by clan:
Clan            	Total wins
Creative Cloud  	4
Lynx            	3
M'Hunters       	3
[BR] FUDEW      	1
Icelandic Turtles	1
Hydra               	1

With another win for AI the MH clan ties it up with Lynx for now but both clans have a player in division A now so who gets to the 4 from Creative Cloud the first

up to season 14
Name	Number of seasons in A
Master Bjarke   	11
TWOLKER           	8
iNsAnE          	8
huddyj           	7
Gibs            	6
Buns157                 6
mslasm          	6
Bonsai          	5
Hunta           	5
PanagiotisTheGreekFreak	4
Leo              	4
gogo2711        	4
Lampiao          	4
AI                      4
Oh noes                 4
USA biches        	3
BenSeu           	3
rocky1          	3
Arkanton             	3
Hades            	3
Baer                    3
Dacian Novac     	2
Pantelas          	2
slejer           	2
smileyleg        	2
graemes                 2
Private Pabse           2
Slats           	1
Pink            	1
Diplomatic Immunity	1
kirdol          	1
slydog384          	1
Philip B         	1
Sultan Kosmitow 	1
Kevin Turner       	1
Aneksen             	1
PhucilliJerry        	1
Super Smoove        	1
DR. Love           	1
Green Turtle            1
Juan                    1
BlacKnight              1

Edited 5/20/2018 09:16:34
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-05-19 19:43:32

Level 58
format naming: (group last season) playername

(G) hereIgo
(G) Belgian Gentleman

Removed from league
(C) jacob
(D) bigbear
(F) hockeytrout

Group A:
(A) AI
(A) Baer
(A) graemes
(A) Oh Noes
(A) iNsAnE
(A) Bonsai
(B) Octane
(B) BlacKnight
(B) Matt431
(C) Cata Cauda

Group B:
(A) Hunta
(A) Private Pabse
(B) Andersault
(B) Fc Bayern
(B) Lampião
(B) Hasdrubal
(B) Pantelas
(C) kryzelfiz
(C) The Royal Canadian Empire
(D) Suschel

Group C:
(B) Kevin Turner
(B) Ameter
(C) MilesAhead
(C) Tof
(C) Ragnar Lothbrok
(D) ARand0mPlayer
(D) KingNorbs
(D) MoneyMakingMitch
(E) wakanarai
(E) [ARM]Belson

Group D:
(D) Weatherman9000
(D) mobtrio
(D) Etienne
(E) Star of the East
(E) tomjh
(E) Oilspotter
(F) Soul Survivor
(F) Coronel Gavilan
(G) QuickSilver
(G) Mar3i

Group E:
(E) Sandgroper
(F) Bayern München
(F) TianO
(F) Dimitris_Wingo
(G) Little-Mouse
(G) SeruM
(G) Meldarion
(G) petruski
(G) Lugh of the Long Finger
(G) Fluttershy

Group F:
(G) NecessaryEagle
(G) Roele
(G) Thessalos
(G) Nostromo
(new) Wiz Wizz Wizznson
(new) Yoshio
(new) Urban Warfare
(returning) mslasm
(new) thelegend

Edited 5/20/2018 09:30:22
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-05-19 19:43:38

Level 58
reserved post
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-06-12 06:12:57

Corn Man 
Level 62
all divisions need to be remade bc of the one game at once.

Div D has sadly started already, but alas.

Edited 6/12/2018 06:13:51
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-06-12 10:44:46

Cata Cauda
Level 59
June 3rd 20:00 CEST

So in a year, or ...? Its 12 of June.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-06-17 21:37:50

Level 54
I would like to join.
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-06-18 00:55:45

NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 
Level 59
I would like to join :)
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-06-19 17:11:56

Level 58
sorry i've been kinda tired of WZ lately so haven't gotten around to doing it yet, hope i get it done this week though
Small Earth Promotion/Relegation League Season 15: 2018-06-19 17:58:16

Corn Man 
Level 62
no worries - we can just play a 1 year tourney! :D
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