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Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 01:07:29

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
One word: Dresden

So Dresden caused the Germans to surrender? Or did it finally defeat Germany? Because if I remember correctly, by February 1945, the Soviets were already in Prussia, the battle of the bulge was over and all of Germany's allies were spent. So no, it didn't put the nail in the coffin, that happened already. And Germany didn't surrender quicker because of it, they didn't surrender until after the Battle Of Berlin.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 01:54:49

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I am not a citation
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 02:10:04

Level 56
back to the original frain, though, no, he's definitely got competition. He's a businessman who's done a few things from a plutocratic family. If you want mad, see some after-decolonisation African rulers, some of them were clinically mad. Francisco Ngeuma, first president of Equatoirial Guinea, killed roughly 1/5 of the population and another 1/3 fled the country, which gave Eqguinea the nickname of "African Dachau". Not only paranoid, but just batty in general. He banned using European or American inventions since they were un-African. For example, west medicine was banned, and so "traditional" medicine was the only way, and so many folk died. He went on public record saying that Adolf Hitler was a great man.

I mean, faff this bloke.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 02:11:52

Level 56
Carpet bombing can win wars if immediately after you go in with overwhelming force + no pussy-bitch R'soE
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:16:14

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Having unusual views

For the 17th time, I don't think he is dumb because of his views.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:16:34

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Burden of proof is on you because your definition of intelligence may be different from mine.

Try the dictionary.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:19:19

Wally Balls 
Level 59
You keep saying "ad hominem" but I don't think you fully understand what that means.

Let me know what you don't understand about ad hominems or how others committed them, and I"d be happy to explain it to you.

The reason we're calling you an idiot is to undermine what little if any credibility you have

Avoiding my argument and attacking my credibility instead is a textbook ad hominem. And that's what is happening here.

Edited 8/25/2016 04:22:29
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:23:46

Wally Balls 
Level 59
you do think hes dumb because of his views Wally

If the only argument you have against what I've said is to call me a liar, you don't have an argument.

For the 18th time, i don't think he's dumb because of his views. His actions and what he says reveal how dumb he is.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:24:37

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Since when is there one dictionary

Everybody knows what dumb means. If they don't, they have no business in a discussion about whether somebody is dumb. They need to go fix the fact that they are extremely dumb.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:37:14

Wally Balls 
Level 59
No, I didn't. You'd need me to expand upon what I meant by 'what he says' to know if I was referring to his views.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:40:01

Wally Balls 
Level 59
There are tons of idiots who I agree with politically. If they say something I agree with, that doesn't mean they are not an idiot.

There are tons of smart people I disagree with politically. If they say something I disagree with, that doesn't mean they are an idiot.

If you use 'idiot' to mean 'I disagree with you' you're doing it wrong and probably an idiot yourself.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 04:45:40

[TNW] Commander Vimes
Level 37
Is Māori your first language? Let me know which part you didn't understand and I can try to explain it using smaller words.
Speaking as a half Māori, I find this extremely offensive. Even the most illiterate Māori has better grammar than Pulsey.

I personally disagree strongly with Trump, but I don't think he's dumb. He's devoid of all common sense, but he's not dumb.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 05:06:47

Wally Balls 
Level 59
you suffer from severe cognitive dissonance

No, you suffer from RCDD and probably TLID.

Reading Comprehension Deficiency Disorder. Trump Level Intelligence Disorder.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 07:44:57

[TNW] Commander Vimes
Level 37
He just crumbles in the face of Jacob Zuma in terms of sheer dumbness. Zuma being famous for reading stumbling over reading out the budget figures in public.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 09:17:10

Wally Balls 
Level 59
Charles D. B. King would give Trump a run for this money.


Despite there being fewer than 15,000 registered voters in Liberia, he won re-election with 243,000 votes to his opponents 9,000.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 11:06:00

[TNW] Commander Vimes
Level 37
So it could be worse. At least Trump can count properly.
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 11:18:22

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Carpet bombing can win wars if immediately after you go in with overwhelming force + no pussy-bitch R'soE

So that's why Vietnam, Japan and Germany were defeated after the first carpet bombing right?
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 11:25:18

[TNW] Commander Vimes
Level 37
Yeah and precision bombing had nothing to do with it?
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 11:43:21

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Carpet bombing =/= Percision bombing
Would Trump be dumbest head of state in history?: 8/25/2016 11:44:20

[TNW] Commander Vimes
Level 37
I know. I was concurring with your point.
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