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Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 7/31/2016 02:36:06

Level 19
buffalo are u rly a flat earther or r u doing this for keks
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 7/31/2016 02:47:57

Level 57
RU rlly a globehead? u tink we liv on a majik spining bal flyin throo spays?
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 7/31/2016 03:09:24

Rogue NK
Level 59
The Sun appears to be smaller when it "rises" because most of its rays of light are actually being ricochet off the atmosphere. We see a "Larger" Sun when its rays hit the earth at a more direct angle.

1. If the earth doesn't spin on an axis then explain magnetic poles. Are Compasses also made up by NASA propaganda? If compasses don't work then how did Columbus reach Cuba? How did Magellan sail around the world if his compass was hogwash?

2. If the Sun is a flashlight then what kind of material contains the beam? How does this material survive so close to the sun without burning up for millions of years? How does this material stay so close to the Sun if gravity also doesn't exist?

3. If the world was flat then I should be able to see (unobstructed) all the way to Japan from my comfy porch on the California Coast (provided I had a powerful enough telescope). There would be no horizon if the Earth was flat.

4. Additionally, Yamato Class Battleships made by Japan in WW2 carried the largest guns every mounted on a ship of all time, capable of firing 26 miles. Their firing solution had to account for the curvature of the earth to land their shots. Are you saying that Japanese Engineering is also propaganda?

Edited 7/31/2016 03:13:39
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 7/31/2016 07:04:20

Level 41
No need for reasoning here
What we need is a court to execute those Flat Earther like what they have done to us in the past

Edited 7/31/2016 07:05:34
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 7/31/2016 07:40:15

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
No need for reasoning here
What we need is a court to execute those Flat Earther like what they have done to us in the past

Well if you want me to believe in flat earth theory, using violence instead of logic is one way to get me to question your rhetoric.
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/1/2016 05:08:31

Level 41

Edited 8/1/2016 05:15:31
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/1/2016 05:11:09

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51

I don't, I'm saying that you cannot kill/silence folk instead of addressing their arguments without their arguments gaining some credibility.
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/1/2016 05:16:22

Leibstandarte (Vengeance)
Level 45
The stars and the sun are the exits to Oblivion made by the Daedra when they left Mundus.

lol'd hard at that one.
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/1/2016 15:37:10

Gus squared
Level 61
A simple demonstration that the world is not flat can be shown by noting how altitude changes horizons. Consider this experiment. Two people take boats with masts (and radios) and sail apart on a calm day till they just lose sight of each other. They then climb up their masts, and lo and behold, they can see one another. How can this be?

This happens because as the two people sail apart from each other, they sail around the curvature of the earth such that they slip over the horizon. But when they climb up their masts, the increase in altitude let's them see further over the horizon.

This happens because the surface of the earth is curved. This would not happen if the earth was flat.

Now, if you repeat this experiment in each direction, you show that the earth curves away from the initial spot at the same approximate angle in all directions. This implies the earth is spherical (at least at that point). You probably want to confirm this observation by repeating the experiment in different spots on the earth, and when you do, you will see that the results will be the same.

This simplest explanation for this phenomenon is a spherical earth.

Edited 8/2/2016 13:29:49
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/3/2016 02:46:47

Level 51
Ive been to astronomy observations, you see satilites all the time, they are like stars, but they shimmer and move slightly
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/3/2016 07:40:50

Level 47
Interesting topic but this is a shift of the burden of proof fallacy. As the one making the claim, flat earthers are supposed to supply empirical evidence (none of this "governments have a motive to do it" stuff). Disproving a spherical earth does not prove flat earth because the rejection of one theory is not proof for the other, so, a scientific study that proves the flat earth hypothesis please.

Edited 8/3/2016 07:43:14
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/15/2016 07:14:32

Gus squared
Level 61
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/15/2016 21:15:19

Level 57
Gus, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfbvwqjITLg

No matter how far you go from eachother, if you have a powerful enough scope, you can always see the other ship.

Devshaan, holograms.

Overlord, I'm not your research assistant, there's plenty of information of the web. Unfortunately, almost all scientists are forced to lie under threat by the government. Or their being paid a pretty big check.
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/15/2016 21:18:54

Level 57
Also, you're all NASA's hired shills sent here to swarm me for exposing the truth to warlighters!
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/15/2016 21:45:45

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
The earth is not flat. If it was flat, how would the sun rotate around us?
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/15/2016 22:49:09

Level 57
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/18/2016 04:46:25

Gus squared
Level 61
Buffalo, the video you posted does not show ships going over the horizon. It only shows how magnification helps see stationary objects more clearly.

To do the experiment correctly, the ship needs to be sailing away from the observer. Not laterally like some of the boats in the video, but directly away. Then, even with the most powerful telescope, the ship will slip over the horizon. Here is a video demonstrating this experiment:


Notice that as the sailboat goes over the horizon, the hull of the boat disappears but the sail is still visible. This isn't a problem with the telescope not being powerful enough. Rather, the earth is round.
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/18/2016 05:02:56

Level 57
I already explained this.


Do the lights seem as though they are sinking lower? Yes, but they remain at the same height!

It's an illusion!


^Full detailed explanation here!


^ Same illusion demonstrated with a coin!
Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/18/2016 14:50:05

Level 49
These challenges about proving things actually raises a lot of questions about philosophy. You can literally create an argument about anything. If you consider philosophical skepticism, you can disagree with everything. No matter how much you argue, can you really completely prove anything? Is possible to ever have enough evidence to prove something? Is the earth flat or 3d? does the earth bend space-time because of gravity? does the higgs-boson control the power of gravity? does the earth exist? do we exist? why do we exist?

to prove a simple question may not be so simple after all, it could be impossible to prove anything anyway

Prove the Earth isn't flat | A Challenge.: 8/18/2016 16:17:47

Level 53
^u globeheads get dumber by the minute


You'd still be able to see the sun, even if it's dark in the portion of the earth where you are. You can actually try this yourself, go in a dark room and shine a flashlight on the wall, you'll still be able to see the beam of light even if you're not standing directly in it's path.

Edited 8/18/2016 16:18:10
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