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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-03-10 20:06:30

Level 65
Yes, thank you Ekstone!
Your work on the Tour and your updates are really appreciated! :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-03-10 20:19:52

Level 63
I did a new tldr.

No such thing as a tldr when it comes to the AWP Tour!
Amazing post, thanks for all the effort so far Ekstone!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-03-13 09:42:00

Level 55
I enjoy itself to make analysis, collect statistics and running this second Tour (beside the ATP Tour), but it is an additional happy for me that you guys enjoy it also (despite my hard Hunglish ;) ).
Especially, since without you I cannot enjoy anything :D So this is a real win-win situation I think :D

In an event's forum topic I "promised" that I will write about my Tour development plans, so...

Immediate roadmap (immediate = months :P ):
  • Create a FAQs for the Tour
    This is a must, because I think many players still don't understand exactly how the Tour works :O
  • Create a better, simpler, more transparent forum/google docs structure for the Tour
  • Choose templates for all the 2017 Tour events, and update the google docs with them.
    And try to involve the community more somehow :O
  • Purge my Tour invitation list (remove alts, inactive players, and not Tour oriented active players)
My other plans (depends on my free time):
Well, what I will 100% do, those the four steps in the “Immediaty roadmap” section.
Likely I will write more news, analysises, statistics too, because as I wrote, I adore this type of activities, but the volume of this posts will strongly depends on my freetime :O

But speaking the remaining points, well, I am not really sure I will implement those (at least for the foreseeable future) :(
Not only because my very few freetime, but I would like a lot to start already the next AWP project!
It is a very exciting one (at least for me :D )
So there is only small chance for more work on AWP World Tour than I wrote above (the first 5 points) :|

But, feel free anyone to pick up one of those idea above, and implement it :P
Or make your own Tour idea. I am very open for any contribution!

I always “envied” how many volunteers the Clan League has got ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-03-21 04:52:11

Level 55
A 2017 started event finished.

30. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Unicorn Island
Congratulations to MIFRAN for his fourth (!) Tour event win.
The TOP2 ranked players were in this final, so it was interesting in Rankings point of view also.
If I count well, left only 50 points different beetwen Pana and MIFRAN after this (and the earlier finished Masters) :O Nice race :D
Congrats to Hades and ANT too, very good runs recently as I wrote earlier.
Here are the TOP16:

Edited 3/21/2017 04:52:49
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-03-21 04:58:41

Level 61
Ekstone: maybe we can do a livestream focused on AWP one of these days? would serve both as an overview of the current AWP status and as an introduction to it for new players... add me on skype (psenough) so we can discuss dates.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-03-22 04:22:12

Level 55
It is a very good idea ps, but I am afraid my English is not enough for this at all :((((
Maybe if we use Hungarian? :D

Joke aside, it is a really good idea, and would be very good if you would do this :)
I don't know, we can chat about these topics (my "chat English" is useable I think), and after that you can do that livestream. With some of the Big Fours for example (inviting them to the livestream instead of me).
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-03-24 05:07:51

Level 55
The third Grand Slam finished (it was really quick :O ) so congratulation time :D

29. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - Strategic Greece
Very big congratulations to Buns for his first major event win (this was his third event win btw).
Congrats to Emu Pub too, this was a nice entrants to the Tour! And congrats to Rob and Pana too.
Btw, with this Grand Slam win, with the 2000 points boost, he likely will get the second place in next month.
The present situation is (after 3 finished events in this month):
1. Pana		4510
2. Buns		4270
3. MIFRAN	4100
Very close in the first three positions.
Only one member of the Big Four haven't won any major event yet, MoD.
But based on the pattern, he will win the next Grand Slam (the MA one :O )
Because so far, always one of the Big Four won the Grand Slams (MIFRAN, Pana, Buns) againts a "totally outsiders" (DR. Love, Quicksilcver, Emu Pub) :O
Will MoD really win the MA Grand Slam events? And who will be now the "outsider" in the final?
We will see, but MoD very should win that Grand Slam, not because he tail away from the TOP3 (he has 2495 points now) , but the others are coming hard (Wini (2295), rakleader (2105), ANT (1895), etc.)
I love this race :D

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-08 04:14:18

Level 55
Official Tour Rankings and Tour records updates - 03/2017
  • Rankings

  • Tour records:
    • The most tournament wins:
      • 4 - MIFRAN, MoD
      • 3 - Panagiotis, Buns
      • 2 - rakleader, ANT
      • 1 - FlyingBender, Krzysztof, Beren, PJ017, Wini, Jefferspin, Quicksilver, awesomeusername
    • Players with most finals:
      • 12 - MoD (4W, 2F, 3SF, 3QF), Panagiotis (3W, 2F, 4SF, 3QF)
      • 10 - MIFRAN (4W, 2SF, 4QF), Buns (3W, 3F, 2SF, 2QF)
      • 7 - rakleader (2W, 1F, 1SF, 3QF)
      • 6 - ANT (2W, 1F, 2SF, 1QF), FlyingBender (1W, 1SF, 4QF), Milly (1F, 1SF, 4QF)
      • 5 - Wini (1W, 1F, 3QF), Hades (4SF, 1QF), awesomeusername (1W, 4QF)
      • 4 - 13CHRIS37 (3SF, 1QF), Krzysztof (1W, 1SF, 2QF), USA Biches (1SF, 3QF), Sułtan Kosmitów (1SF, 3QF), Pushover (3SF, 1QF)
    • Players with best win%, 20+ games minimum (win-loss):
      • 78% - Buns (53-15)
      • 75% - MIFRAN (57-19)
      • 74% - MoD (54-19), Panagiotis (61-21)
      • 68% - rakleader (46-22), Hades (30-14), Edge (15-7)
      • 65% - awesomeusername (24-13), PJ017 (22-12), Timinator (22-12), Sułtan Kosmitów (15-8)
      • 64% - Wini (38-21), ANT (42-24)
      • 63% - FlyingBender (26-15), USA Biches (20-12)
      • 62% - Rob (18-11)
      • 61% - ACL Tears (17-11), Pushover (19-12)
      • 60% - Krzysztof (29-19), Beren (24-16), Master Jz (12-8)
        Plus some more good win% between 10-20 games:
      • 88% - Quicksilver (14-2)
      • 69% - Juan (9-4)
      • 67% - andy903 (12-6)
      • 62% - Ollie (8-5)
    • Players with most win(events number) (win%):
      • 61(24) - Panagiotis (74%)
      • 57(23) - MIFRAN (75%)
      • 54(23) - MoD (74%)
      • 53(18) - Buns (78%)
      • 46(24) - rakleader (68%)
      • 42(26) - ANT (64%)
      • 38(22) - Wini (64%)
      • 32(22) - Milly (59%)
      • 31(23) - 13CHRIS37 (57%)
      • 30(14) - Hades (68%)
    • The highest ranking points (maximum is 19000)
      • 4510 - Panagiotis
      • 4270 - Buns
      • 4100 - MIFRAN
      • 2495 - MoD
      • 2295 - Wini
      • 2105 - rakleader
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-08 04:17:57

Level 55
Events informations:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-08 04:56:47

Level 55
Meanwhile, during my (very) lated... monthly update, two new events finished in April.
So congratulation time! :D

23. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - China
Congratulation to MoD for his first major event win! :D (this was his 5th (!) event wins btw)
So MoD repelled Wini's attack for the 4th place now, but to be continued :D
Wini's performance on the Masters is incredible so far!
1 Win, 2 Finals, 1 Quarter Final! (so he reached finals in ALL of the 4 Masters so far)!
Big congratulations to Milly and Treehorn as well, very well performance too!
Milly likely will be back to the TOP10 with this result.

Here are the TOP16:

35. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Malvia
Very big congratulations to Edge for his first Tour event win!
It was likely after his very much finals (I wrote about it in one of my earlier anaylizing post)
Congrats to Swisster too for his first final.
They two did an excellent performances, especially if we check who are behind them in this tourney ;)

Here are the TOP16:

Edited 4/8/2017 04:57:03
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-08 08:56:17

Level 61
Congrats Edgey!! wooooo good job :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-08 18:27:10

Level 63
Thx Styxie.

And thx for the update. I'm really interested to see how the rankings develope, when the next wave of tournaments get finished.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-12 04:09:45

Level 55
You are welcome Edge!
I am interested to see as well what to expect about Rankings, so I made my monthly ongoing events analysis, based on the state of yesterday morning. Here are the updated google docs:

I collected the present finals (F, SF, QF) positions from the ongoing events (+ the China Masters won by MoD, and the Malvia 250 Series won by Edge), so here are the players with 2 or more finals (the + means still in the event):
  • 6
    MoD (1W, 1F+, 1SF, 1QF+, 2QF)
  • 4
    Edge (1W, 1F+, 1SF, 1QF)
    Panagiotis (1F+, 1SF+, 1QF+, 1QF)
    Wini (1F, 1SF, 1QF+, 1QF)
    Timinator (1F+, 3QF)
    Jackie Treehorn (2SF, 2QF)
    rakleader (1SF, 1QF+, 2QF)
    ACL Tears (1F+, 1SF+, 1QF+, 1QF)
  • 3
    MIFRAN (1F+, 2SF)
    ps (3 QF)
    Doron Hoh (1SF+, 2QF)
  • 2
    dry-clean-only (1F+, 1QF)
    Hunta (1SF+, 1QF)
    Ollie (2F+)
    malakkan (1SF, 1QF+)
    culpa (1SF, 1QF)
    ANT (2QF+)
    Muli (2QF)
    Rento (2SF+)
Additionally I collected all present major events and QF+ small events point status for the TOP20 + players above, and here are the Rankings based on those present minimum points (in the brackets the possible maximum points but only from majors):

As you can see, counting the ongoing events, Pana still has got a nice (actually higher) point lead.
Interesting, but all the Big Four already out from the Battle Islands V Masters :O MoD already out from the Guiroma Masters too, but the other three still in, so the fight in the TOP3 is very close!
MoD, after he won his first Masters, is closer to them, but as I wrote, he is already out from all the running majors, so his only hope (for the takeover) the coming MA Grand Slam event ;)

Additional interesting stuff, that seems Buns started to play only in the important events, which means the majors (Grand Slam and Masters). Logical step in Rankings point of view, because the best six results of the Big Four already very high, the only possibility them for bigger additional points from this section is winning 500 Series events. So I would do the same than Buns, but join to the 500 Series events as well (and those new results will be good as well when the old results start to expire!)

Wini, build on his excellent Masters performance so far, getting closer and closer to the Big Four, although he lost the important Masters final againts MoD.

Milly seems will come back to the TOP10, and join to the illustrious group of rakleader, ANT and Hades (although reakleader has got the biggest potential (regarding present and possible maximum points) among them to reach the Big Four in the near future)

FlyingBender's falling continues :(((((
I hope that he will be able to solve all obstacles and can start again the focused play on the Tour ;)

Unfortunatelly I don't have more time to continue the analysis :(
Only one more thing. Timinator still couldn't get his first Tour event win, what means (for me) the avarage field of the Tour is quite strong :D
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-12 09:17:39

Level 59
Could you limit it so that players can only compete in 1 tournament of any size at once, I skimmed the rules so you might already do this.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-12 09:23:22

Level 63
What would be the point of that rule?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-12 10:32:31

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
that would only make sense if all tournaments would be realtime. i see no point in that for md though...
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-12 12:26:50

Doron Hoh
Level 61
Thx for the analysis Ekstone.
Really cool:) as all the AWP tour.
The best and strongest 1v1 by far in warlight.

Now I just need to climb a bit up in this thing....

Edited 4/12/2017 12:30:17
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-13 03:59:33

Level 55
Maybe tomjh speaks about that the smaller events are filled up very quickly, I don't know.

@Doron Hoh
You are welcome.
And good luck for the mountaineering, you are on a good way ;)

New event finished, so congrats time :D

31. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - GME III
A very huge congratulation to MoD for his 6th (!) Tour event win!
This performance is marvellous! I think his base play level is one of the highest, however, seems that he has problems when he should raise this base level and should play in a more focused way? (regarding his missing (compared to his other results leastwise :P ) major results) Who knows :D
Congrats to Edge as well for his second final in a short time.
And congrats to malakkan and culpa too.

Here are the TOP16:

Just for fun, I checked what the rankings is if we consider only the smaller events with the best six results limit. Here are the TOP10 of this virtual Rankings:

Edit: this list is without the two event finished in this month, but no time to update it now :|
Edit2: MoD has got now 1930, and Edge is the TOP10 too with 755 points :D

Edited 4/13/2017 04:13:26
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-15 05:45:06

Level 55
Two finished events, so congrats time again :O

22. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Georgia Army Cap
Congrats to dry-clean-only for his first Tour event win!
With this win he will be in TOP50 sure (so one Wild Card released for others :D )
Congrats to ACL Tears as well for his first Final (after one QF and SF).
And congrats to BigMack for his first SF, and Buns too (although no points counted for him, because his already many best six finals :P )

Here are the TOP16:

32. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Sri Lanka
Congrats to MIFRAN for his 5th (!) Tour event wins!
With this win he will get 160 additional points, and likely will regain the second position, but (far) not enough for the first one.
Congrats to JV for hist first Final (it took a long time :P ), and likely will be in TOP50 too (so again a released Wild Card :D ).
Congrats to Jackie and Edge as well, they performances recently are very impressive!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-04-23 04:14:35

Level 55
Congrats time, because new events finished again (a lot of finished events in this month :O )

37. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Basileia
Congrats to Hunta for his first Tour event win!
His good rank is not a coincidence, I mean I didn't know him earlier, but seems he is a good player. He is a new (? :P ) Odin (if I remember well, Odin from Norway too)
Congrats to Nynwhen for his first final!
Congrats to Rodolfo and Rento for their first semifinals!

Here are the TOP16:

The last Challenger were finished too.
Reminder: no Tour points for these Challengers, but the TOP4 win Wild Cards (=Monday invitations) to any Tour events. The winner won 4 Wild Cards, the 2nd won 2 Wild Cards, and the two semifinalists won 1 Wild Card. Just write me (PM or any Tour topic) in which events want to use them.

26C AWP World Tour - Challenger - Discovery
Congrats to vicnus for this Challenger win!

Here are the TOP16:

Edited 4/23/2017 04:23:47
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