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worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 20:27:44

Level 57
done. However TBest, do you think that this guy with his 70% bootrate is respectfull to other players?

Edited 12/1/2015 20:33:06
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 20:34:51

Master Ree 
Level 58
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 20:40:46

Level 60
"However TBest, do you think that this guy with his 70% bootrate is respectfull to other players?"

Don't see how bootrate affects respectfulness. I mean getting booted on purpose is bad sport, but there is no why for me to know why someone gets booted. Also, with my 4.4% bootrate, am I 4.4% disrespectful in my games?

I think it is safe to say that what you post on the forum is more important...

And since you did not completely get my earlier hint, I will be more specific.

1. Edit all posts were you in any way identify a player as the "worst WL player ever" to contain no message at all.
2. Edit in an apology in the first post, promising never to do it again etc.

@Ree, I know. Wish the forum was better moderated. (aka, that Mods had more tools)

Edited 12/1/2015 20:44:45
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 20:46:27

Level 57
You know, most of us gets a trafic ticke from time to time, ant it is quite normal. However, when sb is fined after 2nd day sth is certainly wrong...

done - apology written and all names scrapped

Edited 12/1/2015 21:00:44
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 20:49:19

Level 58
Ok, he has a boot rate of 70%. And? I'm sure some people have worse, yet you name and shame this one guy, who is ACTIVE, and has SEEN this thread, who you have now likely made feel bad, when people could just use prereqs, instead of making people feel bad by publicly naming and shaming people.
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 21:00:13

Level 57
this is the worst thing - he is active - which means that every weak he is potentially spoiling few games. I DO played with him. Not only he gets booted. He also plays against his team. You like it? Is it ok? How are you going to protect other people from playing with him (like new ones to WL?)
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 21:01:32

Level 58
Ty for pointing this out to me. Someone who has fun at the expense of his teammates is the worst player there is. I am glad you have made him known to me so I can blacklist and never have to worry about playing with or against him.
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 21:03:14

Level 57
Ty for pointing this out to me. Someone who has fun at the expense of his teammates is the worst player there is. I am glad you have made him known to me so I can blacklist and never have to worry about playing with or against him.

Now I can go to sleep with clear conscience...
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 21:03:28

Level 58
yeah I don't need to blacklist him since I will most likely never play a game with him. I don't join a game with a prerequisite bootrate of more than 20%
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 21:11:48

Level 58
If you wanna answer my post sarcastically then go ahead, but im one of the people not attacking you for your thread.
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 21:16:40

Level 60
^I don't think he was being sarcastic?

Hope you don't feel to bad from me making you an example of you, Kain. I understand that you only wanted to help the community, but this time it came off badly :)

Edited 12/1/2015 21:17:06
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 21:53:56

Level 57
@Noobster11 I was not sarcastic!!1 I am truly glad for your opinion because that was my main aim of this topic - to warn people about this player. 8]

@TBest - yeah, I know that I overracted. A bit. Maybe. But the problem of this person remians. Nothig plesant to play with him in one team - trust me. And I suppose that he may be doing this on purpose - it is really hard to achieve such statistics ... also I remember how he was playing.
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 22:27:40

Level 58
My apologies then. The reason I thought you were being sarcastic was the ... and the bit about having a clear conscience, to me it seemed like exaggeration, though that's the problem with the internet, no tone of voice to confirm.
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 22:30:40

Level 57
Their is a way to do this Kain, And you've done it the dickish way.
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 22:33:10

Luna {TJC}
Level 57

IMO You did the right thing there actions don't deserve to be suger coated.
worst WL player ever: 12/1/2015 22:33:25

Level 49
The fun aspect of warlight disappears with threads like this
worst WL player ever: 12/2/2015 02:22:09

Level 39
kain the only ones whoget on these forums to call out someone is looking for attention beacase your not respected
and i agree with salty

Edited 12/2/2015 02:25:04
worst WL player ever: 12/2/2015 02:27:03

Level 39
@Cain i have never played you before and did bad to you first game you surrenderd before i was booted 2nd i was brand new and i was learning

Edited 12/2/2015 02:31:31
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