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Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 01:37:48

Level 64

Warzone Creator
If WarLight were to add a way for clans to declare war on each other, how would you like this to work? Who would choose the game settings? How would a winner be declared? What could you win?

Brainstorm in this thread!
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 02:19:11

Level 54
The current system of rounds seems to be fun. Though it would be kind of cool to see a system similar to an MMORPG, barely crossing the border of it matter of factually, you could control territories on a wide-spread map and fight battles for new ones, that's just my idea though.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 02:27:43

Level 54
it should either be negotiated by clan leaders or voted on by all members of the clans in the match, it could be the system the nation cup uses or the system that warlighters vs 101st is using

Edited 9/23/2013 03:41:41
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:02:58

Level 60
well a clan system is already here^^

It makes sense to me that the clan leader (and managers) from both clans agree on the settings, they an ofc talk to their clan members, so everyone would be included. I`m Imagining some sort where clan A challenges clan B, then clan B can either accept, decline or send back a challenge with different settings. (maybe using the mail system or smt similar would be good for this?).
A clan war IMO should be more than 1 game, I`m thinking it will be awesome if it could be made as a tournament where you don\t have to fight your clanmartes (obviously).

Maybe making a clan ladder, so the clan fights for points, will be a good reward system?
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:03:48

Level 59
I would like to see something like "Pro League Format" that the SPL in Starcraft uses. Here's a basic idea of what the format is:

there are a set amount of maps, that are in the "pool"

Each team gets to veto a certain number of them, and the rest are used

each "captain" chooses which 6 members to use for maps 1-6

It's best of 7, so first to win 4

If the 7th is needed, the captains choose another player, which can be from the first 6, to play in that game.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:04:45

ʢ Dimachaerus‏ ʡ 
Level 56
What if Clan's joined a CLAN LADDER, and then it could be a similar format to the current ladders, except allowing for 3v3 and larger groups. Then the clans could be ranked easily by adding up the average rank of their team or the top 5-10 of their team. Or by win percentage????

Not sure how you'd work the duels clan vs clan b/c I'm not sure what the spoils would be. But that is a really fun idea.

I like your thought Nebuchadnezar_II but not sure how applicable it would be or how it would work.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:08:18

Level 54
Well we could do something like that right now. If multiple clans chose representatives in a Multi-Day game and were via custom scenario distributed equal lands in strategic matter, then they could begin declaring small battles with each other for each individual territory. Basically, instead of just attacking territories, there's a whole new game devoted to each territorial war. One clan could have maybe a maximum of 1 - 3 offensive battles going on at a time. See what I'm getting at?

How it would work with newcomer clans?
Perhaps start making new " primary " games for every 6 clans that decide to join it. Or maybe fizzer could make a sort of barbarian system or a custom set-up that adds new territories for each newcomer on the already-there map. There's lots of possibilities. If you've ever played Evony or Grepolis, you might know what I'm saying a little better. If further explanation is needed, I could try getting one of my buddies to help with a clear example.

Edited 9/23/2013 03:12:16
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:19:03

Level 59
1st clan :D
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:23:08

Level 31
what could happen is every clan has a spot on a "clan control map" and the leader of a clan can declare war on a clan if they do you have a week or something to fight that clan in games that are ONLY those two clans fight in and you score points for taking territory eliminating enemy's etc. at the end of the week or what ever who ever gets the most points takes a territory on the "clan control map" which ever clan takes the whole "clan control map" gets a clan notoriety which is basically bragging rights to clarify the clan map is showing how "good" the clan is doing and resets the clan map. the clan map is a separate tab to sow the progress this is just my 2 cents
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:25:11

Level 54
Perhaps controlling certain regions of our " clan control map " would offer miniscule but noticable bonuses to offensive/defensive games ?
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:28:17

Level 31
also fizzer what if existing clans (that have proof they are legit) can bypass the $15 or they can gain the $15 back after awhile if they are legitament or something like that
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:28:57

Level 31
i like that Nebuchadnezzar
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:43:36

Level 31
also it gives a incentive to join a clan and socialize and... be kinder too
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:00:39

Level 54
Shouldnt the first questions be:

What will be considered a clan?
What will be the requirements for creating a clan?
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:03:18

Level 31
go to the link that henns givs it explains some of it there
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:05:43

Level 55
Ninja it would have been quicker for you to type $15.

@myhand if you can pay 15 bucks you can make a clan.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:05:49

Level 54
If it costs something to create a clan, there should be free clan creation right tournaments.
Similiar to membership tournaments.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:10:09

Level 31
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:35:34

Level 54
yeah, just invite a representitive to the best clans, or maybe the winner of clan league (apex or wm) gets it for free
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:36:53

Level 54
No, I meant totally new clans to be able to be created.
For instance Gui might want to start a new clan under an alt.
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