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This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 12:30:28

Level 54

With over 200.000 dead and more than 50% of the population turned into refugees. Another country that is deeply indebted to the USA, thanks for backing Al Qaeda terrorist groups in their struggle for what? Democracy? Women's Rights? Schools?

Edited 10/21/2015 12:30:51
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 12:39:31

Thomas 633
Level 56
Al Assad is a terrible person. The lesser of two evils is still lesser.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 12:46:49

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Obama is worse, spending billions of dollars on war and tearing up place after place, supporting terrorist orginizations and extremely conservative countries that execute you for adultery.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 13:00:26

Thomas 633
Level 56
I'm willing to stand corrected, but how has Obama done anything to support the insurgents in Syria? (its funny that we call similar groups "Insurgents" and "terrorists" even though they fight for similar causes)
I am going to bed now, so when I don't respond its not be being an asshole or anything.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 17:09:51

Level 47
I read up on Assad a while back. Apparently he was reserved and not interested in power in his youth. He just wanted to remain anonymous and live a quiet, luxurious life when he was studying in the UK. But then the charismatic heir to the presidency, his brother, died, and his father, President Hafez, recalled him to Syria to prepare him for the presidency.
The Syrians were taken by surprise by his persistence in hanging on to power as the insurgency progressed. He did as he thought his father would have done, ruthlessly attempting to crush the rebels.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 17:19:55

Lolicon love
Level 56
ah don't worry thomas buttler just got a problem with everything the USA does.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 17:51:40

Okabe Rintarou ( AKA Hououin Kyouma)
Level 56
Uhhh USA publicly announced they were arming and training Insurgents in Syria and Iraq (Not ISIS but YPG and other terrorist groups) But whatever floats your boat

Edited 10/21/2015 17:51:53
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 17:54:06

Level 49
To be fair America bombed the shit out of Syria cough cough world police
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 18:01:20

Level 53
Good, fuck arabs hopefully they all get bombed. Also no way we jews are behind this. Trust us goyyim we're victims.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 18:28:05

Tiny Koala
Level 58
How much of the damage shown in that video was done by Assad's barrel bombs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_bomb ?

Of course, you're right that the US strategy has failed miserably in Syria. But, Assad has killed far more civilians than either Al Qaeda or IS.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 19:24:25

The Man Who'd Buy Spain
Level 30
When a man uses chemical warfare on his own unarmed civilians, there should be a whole line of countries competing to be the first to beat the living sh*t out of him.

And, please. President Obama has not done nearly what he has promised to do regarding Syria.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 19:49:28

E Masterpierround
Level 58
The USA and Russia are both making the same stupid mistake in this case. Russia is supporting Assad, a terrible leader who is doing harm to his people. Many of the Syrian rebels (as the American media describes them) or terrorists (how Syria describes them) have committed atrocities attempting to take down Assad. Both Assad and most of the groups fighting him are also fighting ISIS. I feel that there was a huge chance missed by Russia and the USA. They could have jointly threatened to pull back aid unless their respective proxies in the region (Assad and some of these groups) agreed to a temporary ceasefire while ISIS was being fought. Currently, these two sides are taking resources intended to be used against a common enemy and using them against each other. As a result, ISIS continues to be a regional power, because Assad and these groups won't leave each other strong enough to fight ISIS. Making this agreement (which Assad and the groups would almost certainly agree to) would not only serve to unify Syria against ISIS, it would also provide the first step in any possible peace negotiations between Assad and the rebels, while also providing a step towards deescalation for the USA and Russia.

As a reminder for anyone who thinks Assad is a good person, not only has he used chemical weapons in the past, his only decently supporter is Russia. His other supporters are Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Iraq is essentially a non-country, Iran and North Korea automatically oppose the USA, and Russia has been very intent on proving its strength to the West lately, so I'm not sure if anyone but maybe Iraq actually thinks Assad is a good leader of Syria.

Edited 10/21/2015 20:05:56
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 20:26:25

Luna {TJC}
Level 57
Pity we can't just salt the region and move on... Damn it why is there never any easy options.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 20:33:50

Level 54
Myhand stop rabble rousing, you're only encouraging others to spread their propaganda.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 21:07:14

Level 56
As a reminder for anyone who thinks Assad is a good person, not only has he used chemical weapons in the past, his only decently supporter is Russia. His other supporters are Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Iraq is essentially a non-country, Iran and North Korea automatically oppose the USA, and Russia has been very intent on proving its strength to the West lately, so I'm not sure if anyone but maybe Iraq actually thinks Assad is a good leader of Syria.
Assad did not use chemical weapons, and is forced to ally with county's that oppose the USA. I don't see how that makes Asad a bad person.
Assad has always been Western minded and tryed to westernized Syria while holding stability. He also does not discriminate on race or religion.
Here some background information that is not propaganda: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/04/how-bashar-al-assad-became-so-hated/275058/
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 21:23:41

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Now I may have missed something in your linked editorial, but I see nothing that talks about the chemical weapons that he used.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 21:33:34

Level 56
I didn't say that link was about him not using chemical weapons... oO
But for you: here a link that says he did not oder chemical wapons attack -> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/08/syria-chemical-weapons-not-assad-bild
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 21:39:47

E Masterpierround
Level 58
@Woohoo While you are correct that Assad almost certainly did not use chemical weapons in the most recent controversy in Ghouta, he has used them in a limited-scale military capacity during the recent war. Obviously, this is not as bad as using them against civilians, but in my opinion, chemical weapons shouldn't be used at all.
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 21:53:26

Level 56
he has used them in a limited-scale military capacity during the recent war.
at least provide a link that backs it up...
This is what Syria looks like after 4 years of war: 10/21/2015 22:10:28

E Masterpierround
Level 58
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