Map Making

This page will teach you how you can make your very own Warzone map! Anyone may make a map -- you do not need to purchase a membership or be a certain level.


Creating a Warzone map is a four-step process. See the links below for instructions on how to accomplish each of these steps.

  1. Create your SVG file (defines what the map looks like)
  2. Enter the details (connections, bonuses, etc.)
  3. Test the map (play games on it to ensure it works correctly)
  4. Mark the map as public (allows other players to play your map)

Required Reading

Please refer to the following sections for a full guide on making your map. You may wish to watch the recommended tutorial video, but you should also read the wiki as it contains important information that isn't in the video.

If you get stuck or have questions, feel free to post on the map development forum.

Map limitations

New Warzone maps are currently subject to the following limitations:

  • Max 3500 x 2500 pixels (W x H)
  • Max 1500 bonuses
  • Max 4000 territories
  • Max SVG file size: 3 MB
  • Max height map size: 2 MB
  • Max texture size: 2 MB

Warning: Many map makers abandon their biggest maps because they are unable to meet the SVG file size limit without throwing away all their work.

Keep the file sizes in mind when making maps!

Use as few nodes as possible for your shapes, or reduce the size of your map by a lot...

Additional Resources