Levels by Brotherdan


Crowded planet

AD 400

Flip that spin up!

Small star equalized

small earth commerce

Medieval Japan

Easter Egg

Scrabble again

Risk 2210 A.D.

Attack. Attack. Attack!

Defend. Defend. Defend!

yet another scrabble (hard)

hard start

Vowel challange: O's (still quite easy)

Vowel challenge: A (easy)

Vowel challenge: E's (still failry easy)

Vowel challange: I's (medium)

Vowel challenge: U's (medium)

(semi)Vowel challange: Y! (hard)

A normal scrabble game (8x2 FFA)

A normal small earth game

A normal medium earth game

A normal imperium romanum game

A normal England and Wales game (8x2 FFA)

A normal truel islands game (8x2 FFA)

A normal Imperuim Romanum game (8x2 LD FFA)

A normal LD medium earth game (8x2 FFA LD)

Yet another LD commerce game

Crossing borders

Yet another scrabble game (8x3 FFA)

Yet another commerce game

A not-so-normal siege game

Crowded earth with crazy AI

Crowded scrabble

Scrabble 7x3 FFA rnd dist

2x7p FFA LD commerce

Hadrian’s ashes fixed…

Logistics on Battle Islands II

Logistics on World of Zargos

Logistics on Rise of Rome

Normal scrabble (7x3 rnd dist 8 players)

10p 3x5 LD commerce

Crowded Mediterraneam

Scrabble again

A lonely local work

Archipelago 8x2 ffa

Start poor
