Medieval Japan

Created by Brotherdan (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/15/2017
Number of attempts: 711
Number of wins: 40
Number of likes: 24
Record holder: DH in 27 turns on 12/17/2017


Medieval Japan: you are one among a dozen major daimyos fighting for absolute control over the islands. You start controlling only the main castle of your clan -Shimazu-, and will face all other 10 major clans -plus the emperor in Kyoto- starting on identical grounds.
On your side is the fact that you have initially to fight only one enemy. Bewhare, however, that at the far north another clan has the same advantage, and will expand much more easily. The hardest enemy is there, not in Kyoto and in the vast number of daymios slaughtering each other near the center.