4 Castels - 2 Teams - 1 VictorCreated by TBest (all)State: Public AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness Went public on 3/14/2017 Number of attempts: 765 Number of wins: 49 Number of likes: 9 Record holder: DH in 27 turns on 3/14/2017 |
Description |
Under the cunning manipulation of the dark Wizard, Gaunter O'Dimm, your two brothers have turned towards you. Thus, you have no choice but to engage three armies simultaneously. This is a battle to save the world from a everlasting winter and darkness. Shall you fail, an eternal life worse then hell itself awaits you. Gaunter O'Dimm, Master Mirror, in a rare moving depicting. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/witcher/images/e/e9/Ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/330?cb=20151016111617 |