Persepolis: The Fall of Shahenshah

Created by Antonius I of Smoleńsk (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/22/2022
Number of attempts: 84
Number of wins: 64
Number of likes: 14
Record holder: masternate in 11 turns on 11/22/2022


Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by the king known as The Shah. Unfortunately, one day, distant powers overthrew his rule and subdued the country, placing a favourable ruler on the throne. The new king loved his homeland, albeit in a slightly different way. However, some people didn't like the fact that the country was actually dependent on others, the ruler was basking in luxury, and the population was subordinated to the Shah's whim. Years passed, and the throne was inherited by the king's son, titling himself "Shahenshah" - "The King of kings". But later something broke out: the people came out to protest against torture, poverty, imperialism and country's forced Westernization. The king has been banished, but the situation became even worse. The nation split, sisters and brothers began to fight each other. Some hid in the ancient city, the cradle of the state - Persepolis - demanding the return of the King and his better days. Others followed the footsteps of the false prophet, seeking to return the country to the Middle Ages, plunging the state into even more oppression. The neighboring dictator from the west, who is destined to inflict many more crimes in the future, declared war and attacked our home. And there are we: the people who want democracy, development, no terror, strong economy and independence. Please, lead us to a new future!

Dedicated to all people who fight for the freedom and independence of their countries, especially Iranians, Ukrainians and Russians.
On the occasion of the 53rd birthday of Marjane Satrapi. Happy birthday and thank you that you are!