Hail to the Qing 5

Created by loliconkamisama1 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/22/2022
Number of attempts: 98
Number of wins: 62
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: theram1 in 22 turns on 3/29/2022


Hello, Son of Heaven. Congratulations on defeating USSR and its puppet states. You have finally redeemed the name of our great nation, surpassing even the glories attained by the Japanese Empire in the Russo-Japanese War.

We have not forgiven the heinous Eight-Nation Alliance that ruined our Empire, and the Russians have clearly paid the price. Now, it is time to take on the second weakest link in the chain – the isolationist United States.

And heaven truly smiles upon you. Due to complications in logistics, it seems that the USA is unable to make use of the Virgin Islands, Panama Canal, and Puerto Rico for their war efforts.

Be warned, though. Western Europe may be currently preoccupied with Hitler, but once America falls, they will redirect their wrath on Great Qing. To prepare, we must also conquer the Republic of Turkey, Republic of Finland, and Kingdom of Sweden to increase our industrial output. Be careful of the Finns. Their craftiness has even scared the USSR into temporarily halting their plans of invading Finland, before we conquered them.

The second "Great War" is dawning upon us.