Wargame: Domination [7.Europe.WTO]

Created by Antonius I of Smoleńsk (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/26/2021
Number of attempts: 64
Number of wins: 55
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Corum in 6 turns on 1/26/2021


Time: 20th September 1975,23:29 UT
Location: Europe,Central South,Yugoslavia

Enough is enough! Yugoslavian traitors will pay for their sanctions on us. They are supported by the United States and are threatening the peace in Europe. Let's teach them a lesson.

Participants: Socialist Republic of Romania,Hungarian People's Republic,People's Republic of Bulgaria and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics vs Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Mission: Get to Belgrade.
Situation: Yugoslavia is surrounded by us. Their army is fine, but they must deploy it over a wide territory. Despite significant losses in the war with Turkey and Greece, Bulgarian Army is doing great. This is the first conflict massive offensive for Romania. Similarly for Hungarians. As always, they will be supported by local forces from the USSR. We also have a time advantage: we start the first strike.
News: Turkey and the USA successfully landed in USSR! They took entire Crimean Peninsula and some territories of Southern Russian SFSR. However, they suffered great losses.

Portugal is considering withdrawing its army from NATO structures for fear of aggression by the pro-Soviet bloc.

There are anti-Francoist and pro-communist protests in Spain. The deteriorating health of Francisco Franco is not helping the situation.