Teach the old AI new tricks II

Created by (deleted) (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/19/2020
Number of attempts: 254
Number of wins: 51
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: qs in 5 turns on 9/21/2020


AI says "Noo you beat me I thought I had it in the bag for sure!"
You reply "You are an idiot, it was easy"
AI, now sad, says "Good thing I have friends and you don't!!"
You reply "But my IQ is 100000x all yours combined"
AI, even more sad says "Can you teach all of us this time?"

You quickly build some decoy planets to distract the AI as you did the first time. Should be another easy fight :)