Turquoise Mouse-Kingdom strike back (Description)

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/14/2020
Number of attempts: 223
Number of wins: 141
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: Chet in 5 turns on 9/15/2020


(Highly recommend play other "Turquoise Mouse" levels!)

2 Day of war-UlaUtk captured
8 Day of war-84% of Pongea captured
12 Day of war-Smeshariaan army ready to take Bondizi, if this city fall-All Pongea will be taked by Smesharian Army.

But, if Royal army don,t surrender...

At this time:

[For National Cabinet of Russian State.
All works of Crazy Tatar Scientist must reading for President]

[12th Centralian Army was destroyed on the Britishh coast]

[Centralian books was banned in UK]

[Russian army take Tbilisi and Kiev]