United and Ready: 1. Giant and the Man

Created by Antonius I of Smoleńsk (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/2/2020
Number of attempts: 59
Number of wins: 36
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: iki in 8 turns on 6/3/2020


1st September 1939 year Second Polish Republic

"Citizens of the Republic of Poland! Tonight, our eternal enemy has begun activities offensive to the Polish State, which I affirm to God and History. At this moment in history, I turn to all citizens of the state in deep conviction that the entire nation, in defense of its freedom, independence and honor, will gather around the Commander-in-Chief and the armed forces and will give a dignified response to the attacker, as it has often happened in the history of Polish-German relations. The whole Polish nation, blessed by God, in the fight for their holy and just cause, united with the army, will go arm in arm to battle and complete victory."

~Ignacy Mościcki - president of Second Polish Republic.