The Last Survivors of the Plague Apocalypse

Created by M. Poireau (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 1.0
Went public on 2/9/2022
Number of attempts: 470
Number of wins: 10
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 19 turns on 2/22/2022


One mad, incomprehensible day, everything you have ever known is turned upside down, screaming and kicking. Civilization as we know it appears to have collapsed.

You wake up staring at a blood-streaked ceiling at the hospital. The city is eerily quiet, except for a few gunshots and screams in the distance. It seems likely that your small group might be the only people who survived the Disaster.

Around you, the bodies of the dead, crashed cars, and pools of rotting blood and flesh litter the entire city.

To survive, you will need to explore the city to find resources, and start researching an antivirus to the mutagen which has turned the dead in the streets into shambling, flesh-eating monsters.

Much of the city is now being overrun by the slow, hungry, walking dead. They are numerous but you can easily outsmart and outrun them. (Zombies move slowly through the city, but you can run - by using multi-attacks - to escape when they approach.) However, the virus is mutating rapidly, so time is not on your side.

This is not your typical Warlight game... be prepared to explore the city, be surprised, and give some thought to figuring out how to survive. Good luck!

You will have to figure out how the map works, and what resources you need - food, water, electricity, weapons... - so you can increase your production. (Hint: You must research an antivirus from the hospital as you explore the city, and find resources in the order they appear in the DNA helix.)

Can you find a way to rebuild civilization before the hordes of the dead overrun the city?

You'll probably need to clear the research wing of the hospital first...


1. Multi-attack is enabled, as are many cards. This represents your human speed and ingenuity - use them to outsmart the zombies.
2. Humans are fast, but not as numerous as the zombies: do not deploy more than 10 armies at a time in any given territory. Without this limit, you're playing on EASY MODE.
3. Blockade cards are powerful, to help you build barricades against the dead.