Turquoise Mouse-Strange Statue(Description!)

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/30/2020
Number of attempts: 236
Number of wins: 157
Number of likes: 16
Record holder: Battlemönch in 16 turns on 1/30/2020


Blue Mouse-Crazy Story. I want made it early, but don,t find ideas.

"Forward, Angola!
Revolution through the power of the People:
A United Country, Freedom,
One People, one Nation!"

2027-Angola dieing in Fire of new civil war. At This time in far Jungles Slovak scientists find strange statue of turquoise mouse.
Leader of "Angola,s Tigers" try sell statue to Tatarian Nazis.
Leader of "Savers of Angola" try sell statue to China.
Leader of Angola try sell state to Zimbabwe.
International Army in Angola try Save Angola.