Remer,s Dream...(Putch)

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/15/2019
Number of attempts: 167
Number of wins: 72
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: muon in 4 turns on 11/16/2019


"I'm tired of your stories, one story is more "wonderful" than another, about Romanians, october 1993, communists, fascists...what are you talking about?"

I decided to make story, an interesting story, and I remembered one organization-Socialist Reich Party. In short, it is a German far-right party established in 1949, self-dissolved in September 1952, in October it was banned (Lol).
-"And what do you remember about them,about the not finished off fascists?"
-"Do you have any suggestions?"...