First Lebanon War(Anti-Syrian Forces)

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/22/2019
Number of attempts: 111
Number of wins: 94
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: zzyxx in 8 turns on 9/22/2019


6 Jun 1982 Jewish Army crossed the border with Lebanon were hiding soldiers of the Palestine Liberation Organization.The already unstable situation in the Lebanon(Then right-wing Christians(Kataeb in particular) fought with left the Muslims(later they will create Hezbollah)) escalated into a real war.The result of the war-Israel occupied southern Lebanon,Syria(the Big left-Muslim-the Soviet(That's why the Russian Air Forces are now beating ISIS and Syrian Pro-American(Russians think) Democrats)comrade occupied the North of Lebanon.