Operation "Enduring Freedom"

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/4/2019
Number of attempts: 227
Number of wins: 80
Number of likes: 14
Record holder: ngduyhieu in 4 turns on 7/12/2021


After war 1992-1996 Taliban take big part of Afghanistan. But, 11 september 2001 World Trade Center make boom-boom and American military command(with the approval of the President and the American people) decided to destroy the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan(especially since Bin Laden was hiding in Afghanistan). NATO (led by the United States) had an important friend who was in opposition to the Taliban-the Northern Alliance(the same Mujahideen who beat Soviet soldiers and lost to the Taliban in 1996).